Native Americans migrated to the New World across this.
What is the Beringia Land Bridge?
Missions in Spanish colonial society had three main goals
What are? 1) Teach Native Americans how to read and write 2) Convert Native Americans to Christianity and increase Spanish control 3). Treat Native Americans as equals and give them land to farm
First form of representation and first assembly for workers
What is the House of Burgesses?
Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay were all colonies that had this in common.
What is they were colonies that were financed by joint-stock companies.?
Provide housing and supplies for British soldiers.
What is The purpose of the Quartering Act?
Religious practices and art spread through early American through this
What is trade?
The movement of plants, animals, and living things between hemispheres.
What was the Columbian Exchange?
High taxes and Gov. Berkeley's favoritism toward large plantation owners; King of Britain recalling Gov. Berkeley and was an important stand against tyranny for the common worker.
What is Bacon's Rebellion in 1676?
Ben Franklin meant this by his JOIN OR DIE political cartoon.
What is the colonies must join together or die separately?
Sugar Act placed a tax on this.
What was it placed a tax on all sugar, molasses and other imported products.?
The method know as_________ is how the Hohokam altered their dry environment to make farming possible.
What is irrigation?
Columbian Exchange had positive and negative effects. A positive effect(s) were A negative effect(s) were
What is The positive effect was the movement of plants and animals from Europe to the Americas and from the Americas to Europe. The negative effect was the transfer of diseases from Europe to the Americas.
Two principles of democracy were established by the signing of the Mayflower Compact
What were the ideas of self-government and majority rule?
Theses three document played a definitive role in developing representative government in the colonies.
What is The Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the Glorious Revolution?
Stamp Act required this.
What is it required that all legal and commercial documents carry an official stamp?
Early American societies used this to adapt to their environments
What is technology?
There were four reasons why Africans were imported as slaves instead of continuing to enslave Native Americans
What is Immune to European diseases, had no friends or family in new world, provided a permanent source of cheap labor, and had worked on farms in Africa?
The principal of John Winthrop that led to the success of his colony in New England
What is The principle of a Commonwealth?
As a result of the French and Indian War these three things happened.
What were control of Canada passed from France to England, English colonists expected to expand onto lands won from France, and England banned colonial expansion west of the Appalachians?
the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act differed in this way.
What is the Stamp Act taxed the colonists while the Sugar Act taxed trade?
During the Age of Exploration Europeans had three main goals
What were the expansion of empires and power, the increase in wealth and improved balance of trade, and the desire to spread Christianity beyond European borders?
The English Naval defeat of the mighty Spanish Armada in 1588 had two immediate effects in Europe. It also had a one long term effect on the New World.
What is Immediate: England remained Protestant and Spain was no longer viewed a world power. Long term: The world saw Spain could be beaten and suddenly got brave enough to join England in challenging Spain both in Europe, but more importantly for land claims in the New World?
The three democratic principles established in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What were extended voting rights to non-church members, Limited the power of government, and increased Representative Government?
Proclamation Act of 1763 affected the colonists by stating
What was no colonists were allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists were angry because they fought thinking that if they won they would have the right to settle in the Ohio River Valley and some of the colonists were already living there.
This was the result of the Tea Act.
What is a tax on tea that was a very popular product smuggled from Holland that was now going to be monopolized by the British East India Company?