Federalist or Anti-Federalist
Weakness of the Articles
The 3 Branches of Government
Colonial Influences
Citizenship Vocabulary

Who believed a strong central government is necessary, and the Constitution will protect the state governments?

Who is Federalist?


The Articles limited the power of the central government and gave more power to the _______.

What are states?


The branch of government that consist of the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet.

What is executive branch?


Who imagined a set of natural rights ( life, liberty, and property) that human beings share?

Who is John Locke?


A person's citizenship at birth is determined by the country where he or she was born. 

What is law of soil?


Who believed the federal government has too much power and too much of the states’ power is taken away?

Who is Anti-Federalist?


The weakness of central government made it hard to collect ____, which lowered the revenue of the national government.

What are taxes?


The branch of government that interprets laws.

What is judicial branch?


A government document that expanded the powers of the English Parliament and expanded the rights of the people, as well as further limited the rights of the king; written by the members of the English Parliament in 1689

What is English Bill of Rights?


A person's citizenship at birth is the same as that of his or her biological mother or father

Ex: Law of ____ 

What is law of blood?


Who believed a list of rights is necessary to protect people and states from the federal government?

Who is Anti-Federalist?


To change the Articles, _____ states needed to approve the measure.

What are all?


The branch of government that makes laws?

What is legislative branch?


An agreement between individuals that created a government that would provide order and protect the rights of the colonists; written by a group of English Puritans in Massachusetts in 1620

What is Mayflower Compact?

The process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen.

What is naturalization?


Who believed a list of rights is not necessary because the federal government’s powers are limited?

Who is Federalist?


Under the Articles, Congress has no power to regulate _____ trade?

What is trade?


Which branch of government consist of the U.S House of Representatives and the U.S Senate?

What is legislative branch?


A pamphlet published by Thomas Paine in 1776 to convince the American colonists to support becoming independent from England

What is Common Sense?


A legal member of a state and/or country.

What is citizen?


Who believed the Necessary and Proper Clause will give too much power to the federal government?

Who is Anti- Federalist?


Under the Articles, there was no _________ , who is also known as the Chief Executive.

Who is President?


Who can veto a bill if he or she does not agree with it?

Who is the president?


A government document that limited the power of the king of England and protected the rights of the nobility; written by the English nobles in 1215

What is Magna Carta?


An amendment to the U.S. Constitution that defines citizenship, grants citizenship to former slaves, and defines voters as males at least 21 years of age.

What is 14th Amendment?