Fundamental political principles
The Preamble to the Constitution
How does the Constitution of the United States of America reflect previous documents?
Constitutions and their protections
The Good Citizen
This idea states that the government and those who govern are bound by the law,as are those that are governed.
What is Rule of Law?
The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America begins “We the People,” which establishes that _________
What is 'that the power of government comes from the people?'
This document did the following: Stated grievances against king of Great Britain Declared colonies’ independence from Great Britain Affirmed “certain unalienable rights” (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) Established the idea that all people are equal under the law
What is the Declaration of Independence?
This protects the fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition.
What is the Bill of Rights?
These are two of many personal traits practiced by a good citizen.
Any of the following: Trustworthiness and honesty Respect for the law Responsibility, accountability, and self- reliance Courtesy and respect for the rights of others Patriotism Participation in the school and/or local community Participation in elections as an informed voter
In this system of government, the people rule
What is a democracy?
The Preamble sets forth the ___ and _____ to be served by the government, and expresses the reasons the constitution was written.
What is goals, purposes, reasons.
This document made sure that the rights of Englishmen were guaranteed to colonists.
What was the Charters of the Virginia Company of London?
This first amendment freedom make sit clear that Individuals may peacefully gather. For example, in a protest.
What is freedom of assembly?
What terms replace (A) and (B)? A (A) is something that you should do as a citizen. This can include recycling (to leave the nation intact for our children), volunteering, or help other citizens. A (B) is something that each citizen owes their nation, whether it's participating in the democratic process (voting), abiding the law, or paying taxes.
A - Civic Responsibility B - Civic Duty
This principle states that the people are the source of any and all governmental power. The approval of those being ruled.
What is consent of the governed?
This phrase in the constitution gives the government the job of making sure that life at home, within the United States, is peaceful.
What is "to ensure domestic tranquility" ?
The Virginia Deceleration of Rights would serve as model for what document?
What is Served as a model for the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America?
This extends the due process protection to actions of the states
What is the fourteenth amendment?
Lack of interest, Failure to register, an election being on the state or local level rather than a general presidential race are all reasons _____
Why citizens fail to vote
Government is not all-powerful and may do only those things people have given it the power to do.
What is Limited Government?
This part of the preamble tells us the reason the 13 original colonies broke off from England and then UNITED together.
What is "To form a more perfect union" ?
This document afforded the states much power and resulted in a very weak central government. It was technically the first form of U.S. government.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
Just as a good citizen is informed about those they vote for, a good media outlet acts as this for the government. Meaning they make certain that the government is not hiding anything from its people, or being untrustworthy.
What is a watchdog?
In a ______________ system of government, people elect officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf.
What is a representative government?
This phrase of the preamble to the constitution implies that the United States would seek the 'consent of the governed' more than England had.
What is "To secure the blessings of liberty" ?
The "establishment clause" of the first amendment was heavily influenced by this historical document, which Stated freedom of religious beliefs and opinions in the colonies.
What is the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?
This freedom listed in the first amendment grants individuals the right to "make their views known to public officials."
What is the right to petition or freedom to petition?
Latin for " to have the body" this type of court order demands that a prisoner is brought before the court to decide weather or not they should be imprisoned. Federal ones can over rule state imprisonments, and your right to trial and due process can be protected by them.
What is a 'Writ of Habeas Corpus'