Literary Devices
Reading Knowledge

What is the explanation part of your argument called where you explain your data and position?

What is a warrant?


How would you format the title of Taylor Swift's latest album?

What is italicize?


What is it called when you make a reference to a famous person, place, or thing?

What is an allusion?

What term includes the time, place, and mood of a story?

What is setting?


What is it called when you use emotions to persuade your audience?

What is pathos?


What punctuation fits in the blank:

I had to get up early____ however, I did get to eat some donut.

What is a semicolon?


What is it called when you give human-like qualities to a non-human character? (The pencil grew legs and walked away).

What is personification?


When you make assumptions about a character based on their speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, and looks, what is it called?

What is indirect characterization?


What is it called when the other team gets a chance to reply to your argument?

What is a rebuttal?


What is it called when you make sure all of your verbs are in the same tense and that you're using similar grammar structures throughout your writing?

What is parallelism?


What literary device is present:

The palm tree swayed lightly in the cool breeze. Birds flew overhead as the people down below laughed and bounced a volleyball. The sand was hot and soft under their feet.

What is imagery?


What is it called when a character is struggling with their own emotions/feelings? (Be specific!)

What is internal conflict?


What is an error in logic that renders your entire argument invalid?

What is a logical fallacy?


A dependent clause always starts with what part of speech?

What is a subordinate conjunction? 


What is the repetition of a consonant sound called? (Sally sold sea shells at the sea shore).

What is alliteration?


What is it called when an author leaves clues for events that will happen later on in the story?

What is foreshadowing?


What logical fallacy is a personal attack on someone, rather than their argument?

What is ad hominem?

What is it called when a sentence is worded weirdly and you can't tell who/ what the verb is referring to?

(The waiter brought a steak to the guest that was medium rare).

What is a misplaced modifier? 


What is it called when you (the audience) knows something that the characters don't?

What is dramatic irony?

What is it called when you make an educated guess about the meaning of a passage, the future plot, a character's next steps, etc.?

What is an inference?