Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4

The Enlightenment idea of separation of powers was developed by?



What were the main complaints/arguments against Britain in the Declaration of Independence?


  • Unfair Taxes
  • Unfair Acts (Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Tea Act, Intolerable Acts) 
  • Lack of Representation in Parliament 
  • Dissolved representative houses in colonies
  • Cut off trade

trial by jury


What are the major beliefs of the Republican Party?

a political party that believes that the federal government should play a small role in people's lives; they favor lower taxes and less government spending


A type of government in which the leadership is comprised of the few wealthy elite is called a ______.



Why do citizens pay taxes? How does this benefit society?

It is a law. Need money to run government.

Government tries to improve society Defense, cultural landmarks, local services, infrastructure


John Locke’s theory that certain truths in society come from and are governed by nature is known as the theory of __________?

Natural Law


Which document outlined the first form of government for the United States?  Which system of government did this document create?

Confederation Government Loose form of states-States retained all power


What is a platform?

 a document stating the aims and goals of a political party


What is monarchy?

a form of government headed by a king or queen who inherits the position, rules for life, and holds power that can range anywhere between limited to absolute


Why is it important to have citizens serve on juries?

Protects right of trial by a jury of your peers


Describe John Locke’s theory of social contract.

Citizens surrender some rights (not a state of nature) to live by laws and be protected by a government.


List some of the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.


National Government could not- raise taxes, 

enforce laws, 

No national courts, 

No Chief Executive


Give an example of media informing the public about government.

 Media as a watchdog exposing illegal activity, corruption


What is autocracy?

a form of government where one person has unlimited power ( North Korea, Syria, Cuba)


Order the five rights guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

Freedom of religion 

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Press 

Freedom of Peaceable Assembly

Freedom to Petition


What document guaranteed that not even the king or queen was above the law.

Magna Carta- Limited Government

Trial by jury, rule of law


What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?

Outlines the purpose and intentions of the United States Constitution. 

“We the People…” Government gets consent from the people


Give examples of how an individual can influence government.

Collect signatures for a petition call, 


write a letter to your local, state, and federal representative


What is a Federal system of government?

a system of government where power is shared between a central government and states.


Why was it important to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution?

To secure the individual rights of citizens that were won during the American Revolution

 So anti-federalists would ratify


Explain the significance of the English Bill of Rights on the development of the U.S. Constitution.

English Bill of Rights - listed guaranteed rights of Englishmen and the anti-federalists wanted to list the rights of Americans before they agreed to ratify the Constitution


What was the main argument the Federalists used to support the ratification of the Constitution?

Federalists believed a strong central government was needed to solve the countries problems



Give an example of how interest groups can influence government.

Money, money, money, 

Endorsements and donating to campaigns Lobby (lobbyist) politicians to influence legislation, political advertisement


What is a confederal system of government?

a system of government where power is located with the independent states and there is little power in the central government


List the rights guaranteed by the 5th amendment

Fourth: 4th – Protects against search and seizures (need warrant or probable cause)

 Fifth: Self-Incrimination Due Process 

Sixth: speedy and public trial, impartial jury, informed of charges, confront witnesses, legal counsel

Eighth: excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment


What was the first document that established self-government by creating a direct democracy in the colonies?

Mayflower Compact


List the arguments the Anti-Federalists used to against ratifying the Constitution.

Anti-Federalists believed a strong central government would take away newly won rights of citizens, agreed to ratify Constitution with the promise of the addition of Bill of Rights.


What is bias?

a preference, opinion or attitude that favors one way of thinking or feeling over another


What is a unitary system of government?

a system of government where almost all power is located with the central government


Why do you think the Framers included the 2nd amendment with respect to militias?

For the security of a free state


This pamphlet was used to persuade members of the Second Continental Congress and justified the ideals and reasons for independence from Great Britain.

 Common Sense written by Thomas Paine


What is a legal member of a country? 




What is symbolism?

the use of something to represent ideas or qualities


What is the term for a system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by a parliament?

Parliamentary England (Great Britain)


Why did the Framers include the 3rd amendment in the Bill of Rights?

Quartering troops was imposed on several occasions as a cost saving measure for the British Government.


Give specific examples of colonial responses to English policies.

Boycotts & Protests 

• Stamp Act Congress 

• Boston Tea Party 

• Boycott imported goods


Name the two ways a person can become a U.S. citizen.

1. Birth/Natural Born ( Law of Blood or Law of Soil)


2. Naturalization Process


What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

a form of government in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than through elected representatives


What term means that all citizens are accountable to the law?

Rule of Law


Explain the difference between the 6th and 7th amendments.

Jury trial 6th– Criminal trial

Jury trial 7th-   Civil Trial


What concerns of the colonists’ led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

King and Parliament did not respect the colonies rights in lawmaking.


List the steps in the naturalization process. 


18 or older, 

lawful permanent resident for 5 years, 

read write speak English, 

good moral character, 

understanding U.S. Civics,  

Oath of allegiance


Explain the major similarity between socialism and communism.

a form of government in which a single ruling party owns and controls all production and distribution of goods, and in which no private ownership is allowed


Why is rule of law fundamental to the American legal system?

Equal treatment under the law


How does the Ninth Amendment safeguard individual liberties?

Prevents government from claiming the only rights of the people are listed in the Bill of Rights


John Locke’s theory of _________________ guaranteed that all individuals are entitled to basic rights such as life, liberty, and property.

Natural Rights


What are the major beliefs of the Democrat Party?


a political party that believes that the federal government should take a more active role in people's lives, particularly those who are in need


What is propaganda?

the method of spreading ideas or information for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person


Why is it an obligation or a duty for citizens to follow laws?

To promote the general welfare and to insure domestic tranquility to secure citizens constitutional rights


List the rights guaranteed by the 5th amendment

Indictment by grand jury for serious crimes 

Double Jeopardy 

Protection from Self-Incrimination, Due Process 

Eminent Domain Miranda Rights