Figurative Language
Foreign Phrases
Literary Elements & Poetry
This type of figurative language is present in the following video (Slide 15)
What is an allusion?
If you are happy with your life just the way it is, you do not want to change the ________________.
What is the status quo?
This type of irony is present in the following statement: I don't want school to end because I love learning about ionic compounds and sentence patterns.
What is verbal irony?
This type of logical fallacy can be seen in the following picture:
What is appeal to fear?
This type of literary element is present in the following video (Slide 36)
What is foreshadowing?
This type of figurative language is present in the following video. (Slide 11)
What is alliteration?
Because I have a strong ______________, I laugh often and (try to) celebrate the positive qualities in everyone I meet!
What is joie de vivre?
This type of irony is present in the following video (Slide 19)
What is verbal irony?
This type of logical fallacy/persuasive device can be seen in the following picture:
What is name calling or ad hominem (personal attack)
This literary element is present in the following video (Slide 29)
What is a flashback?
This type of figurative language is present in the following video. Slide 23
What is a paradox?
I am obsessed with clothing; therefore, I wish I had ________________ at the Opryland Outlets.
What is carte-blanche
This type of irony is present in the following video (Slide 9)
What is dramatic irony?
This type of rhetorical device/figurative language in present in the following excerpt of an speech by MLK Jr. “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
What is parallel structure/parallelism?
How can you best describe the author's tone of these lyrics? Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here's my number, So call me, maybe? Read more: CARLY RAE JEPSEN - CALL ME MAYBE LYRICS
What is nervous, uncertain
This type of figurative language is present in the following video. (Slide 25)
What is personification?
Students often show ___________________ when they unite together to complain about their teachers.
What is esprit de corps?
This type of irony is present in the following scenario: You adopt a big dog for protection, but your dog hides behind you when a stranger comes to the door.
What is situational irony?
This type of logical fallacy is present in the following picture
What is false dilemma?
This type of rhyme is present in the following video (Slide 13)
What is approximate/slant/imperfect rhyme?
This type of figurative language is present in the following video. Slide 1
What is an idiom?
If a restaurant has a sign in the window that says ____________, you probably shouldn't eat there.
What is caveat emptor
This type of irony is present in the following scenario: After opening my Christmas present from my husband a few years ago, I realized I bought him the same exact thing. My husband didn't know why I started to laugh and thought I didn't like the gift.
What is dramatic irony?
This type of persuasive device is present in the following picture:
What is misuse of statistics?
This type of rhyme is present in the following lyrics: Just a small town girl living in a lonely world She took the midnight train going anywhere Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train going anywhere
What is internal rhyme?