Articles of Confederation
Federalists vs Anti-Federalists
The document that created the idea of Trial by Jury.
What is Magna Carta.
What is the idea that states the government can't do whatever it wants, but instead its power is limited.
What is limited government.
This is the first government of the United States.
What is Articles of Confederation.
The Preamble of the Constitution lists six goals, including which of the following? A. To separate from Britain B. To form a more perfect union C. To decide who can be a Supreme Court justice D. To decrease the power of the federal government
What is to form a more perfect union.
This document is considered to be the Supreme Law of the Land in the United States.
What is the Constitution.
According to the Declaration of Independence, when do people have the right to abolish their government and establish a new one? A. Whenever a government passes a law that is disliked by some B. Whenever their government becomes despotic and oppressive C. Whenever the majority party in control of government changes D. Whenever a king attempts to act without the approval of Parliament
What is whenever their government becomes despotic and oppressive.
The idea that the government has to follow certain steps when accusing someone of a crime.
What is due process.
This event led to the end of the Articles of Confederation.
What is Shay's Rebellion.
What did Federalists and Antifederalists disagree most strongly about? A. A strong national government B. Creating a system of checks and balances C. Protecting individual liberties D. Increasing the power of the confederation
What is a strong national government.
. Suppose the following sequence of events occurs in our federal government:  Congress passes a bill and sends it to the President  The President vetoes the bill and returns it to Congress.  Both houses of Congress override the veto.  The bill becomes a law. Which two constitutional principles do these events illustrate? A. Federalism and limited government B. Federalism and checks and balances C. Individual rights and popular sovereignty D. Separation of powers and checks and balances
What is separation of powers and checks and balances.
How was John Locke’s social contract theory related to his belief in natural law? A. He argued subjects had the right to rebel against a ruler who acted against natural law. B. He argued that whatever the king did was good according to natural law. C. He argued that natural law required the colonists to be given their independence. D. He argued that God had especially chosen kings to rule over their subjects as part of nature.
What is that he argued that subjects had the right to rebel against a ruler who acted against natural law.
Idea that the law applies to everyone.
What is rule of law.
What is the most likely reason it was difficult to pass laws under the Articles of Confederation? A. Passage required a unanimous vote of the 13 states. B. Passage required the votes of 9 of the 13 states. C. The government did not have a legislature. D. Americans were content to follow British laws.
What is passage required the votes of 9 of the 13 states.
Why did the Founding Fathers separate the power to make, enforce, and interpret laws between different branches of government? A. To prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful B. To make the national government more efficient C. To increase the power of the presidency D. To ensure that Congress would act according to the will of the people
What is to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful.
. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Bill of Rights? A. To explain the procedure for amending the Constitution B. To guarantee freedoms that belong to every citizen C. To inspire the government of other nations D. To limit the rights of individual citizens
What is to gurantee freedoms that belong to every citizen.
What most attracted the Founding Fathers to Montesquieu’s explanation of the separation of powers? A. Their separation could help prevent the central government from becoming tyrannical and oppressive. B. Their separation could protect the rights of the nobility from the actions of the king. C. Their separation could preserve the privileges of the monarch and nobles from popular attack. D. Their separation raised judicial power to a level of equality with legislative and executive power.
What is their separation could prevent the government from becoming tyrannical and oppressive.
Idea that the people have final say over the laws.
What is Popular Sovereignty
15.Since there was only one branch of government in the Articles of Confederation. How did these weaknesses impact the writing of the Constitution? A. The Founding Fathers gave Congress the power to legislate. B. The Founding Fathers created a government with three branches. C. The Founding Fathers gave the states the power to interpret national laws. D. The Founding Fathers created the office of president to settle disputes
What is The Founding Fathers created a government with three branches.
Use the information in the box to answer the question. "We can't ratify the Constitution. It has no Bill of Rights. "I think the states should have more power" Who are the speakers and what are they afraid of? A. Patriots, ineffective government B. Federalists; the loss of liberty C. Antifederalist; a strong national government D. Loyalist; the loss of property rights
What is Antifederalist.
Which of the following is a limitation of the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right to freedom of speech? A. People may not criticize the actions of their neighbors. B. People may not criticize the government. C. People may not deliver a speech in public. D. People may not tell lies that might harm another person.
What is people may not tell lies that might harm another person.
16. Why were colonists outraged by taxes imposed by the British government? A. Because they were denied trials by a jury of their peers B. Because they had no representation in Parliament C. Because they made British paper products less expensive D. Because they had to house British soldiers
What is because they had no representation in Parliament.
Idea that each government has the ability to check the powers of another branch of government.
What is checks and balances.
Congress had no power to tax, enforce laws, raise an army, and it took 9 of 13 states to pass a law. These are all examples of what?
What is weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
During the ratification debates, Anti-Federalists demanded that the rights below be added to the Constitution in order for them to support it.  Guarantee of a speedy trial  Freedom from illegal searches and seizures  Right not to have troops quartered in one’s home Which document guaranteed these rights? A. The Bill of Rights B. The Federalists Papers C. The Articles of Confederation D. The Declaration of Independence
What is the Bill of Rights.
. What is one way in which the U.S. and Florida constitutions differ? A. The Florida governor is allowed to create new cabinet positions, but the U.S. president cannot. B. The Florida Constitution requires the governor to be appointed by the legislature, in contrast to the popular election of the U.S. president. C. The U.S. Constitution requires election of cabinet secretaries, but Florida’s constitution does not. D. Florida identifies specific cabinet positions that must be part of the executive branch, but the U.S. Constitution does not.
What is Florida identifies specific cabinet positions that must be part of the executive branch, but the US Constitution does not