Where Did That Come From?
Changes to the Constitution
Quiet in the Court
Levels of Government
Influencing the Government
The ability to make laws, enforce laws, interpret laws is not combined into one person, but rather divided into different groups - this is called...
What is separation of powers?
For the US Constitution, the first step in the amendment process.
What is propose?
The lowest court in Florida, it deals mostly with misdemeanors and trafffic issues.
What is county court?
In the federal government, this has the power to declare war.
What is Congress?
Examples of this are the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Sierra Club, AARP, Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
What is an interest group?
This is the first set of written laws (both criminal and civil), and their punishments.
What is Code of Hammurabi?
In the state of Florida, this group has the power to ratify an amendment to the Florida Constitution - BE SPECIFIC AND COMPLETE
What is (60% of) registered voters?
The length of time one can remain a federal judge and/or Supreme Court justice.
What is for life, as long as they have good behavior?
Powers that are shared between the federal and state governments (making laws, taxes, establish courts...).
What is concurrent powers?
The role of the media when it alerts the viewer on what officials in the government are doing, both good and bad.
What is a watchdog?
The agreement between the people and the government; the people agree to give up some of their freedoms and follow government's laws and in exchange government agrees to protect the rights of the people.
What is social contract?
This amendment defines both who can vote and who is a citizen.
What is the 14th Amendment?
The type of court that the US and the FL Supreme Court are.
What is an appellate court?
The name for laws at the municipal and county level.
What is ordinance?
A person hired by an interest group to influence members of Congress to write laws the interest group cares about.
What is a lobbyist?
No leader, no ability to collect national taxes, no ability to raise an army, no national courts, nearly impossible to ammend
What is the Articles of Confederation?
The five freedoms in the 1st amendment.
What is speech, religion, petition, assembly, and press?
The impact of the landmark Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainwright.
What is no person can be denied an attorney if they cannot afford one?
The part of the US Constitution that gives states reserved powers.
What is the 10th Amendment?
When an interest group does this, it announces what candidate they want to win and therefore what candidate its members should choose.
What is endorse a candidate?
This document was the first to give the right to trial by jury and the right to due process
What is the Magna Carta?
This amendment made it illegal to charge people a poll tax in order to vote.
What is the 24th Amendment?
This landmark case made "separate but equal" and therefore segregation legal, AND then this later landmark case made "separate but equal" in schools illegal.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v. Board of Education?
The head of the executive branch at the federal, state, county, and municipal levels (MUST be in the correct order!).
What is president, governor, sheriff, and mayor?
Three of the four ways an individual can influence the government.
What is voting, attending civic meetings, running for office, and petitioning the government?