Civil Rights 1950s
Civil Rights 1960s
The Movement
Decade of Turmoil
Far Out 60s
He became a leader at the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King
These members of SNCC were pulled of buses and beaten in Alabama in 1961
What is Freedom Riders
He followed the teachings of Ghandi, Civil Disobedience with non-violent protests
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King
The Nixon and Kenndy debates in 1960 were the first to be ___________________
What is televised
This is the court case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and declared "separate but equal" educational facilities to be unconstitutional.
What is Brown v. Board of Ed.
She started the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955
Who is Rosa Parks
He blocked the doors at the University of Alabama to stop African American students from enrolling
Who is Gov. George Wallace
LBJ was able to get this bill passed by Congress, which ended legal segregation in 1964
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Warren Commission declared that he acted alone as he carried out the Kennedy Assassination
Who is Lee Harvey Oswald
The U.S. joined the SEATO Alliance to prevent Communism from spreading in this region.
What is Southeast Asia
President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect these students
Who is the "Arkansas Nine"
His fire department used their water hoses against student protestors in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963
Who is Bull Connor
Dr. King was assassinated in this city in 1968
What is Memphis, TN
This U.S. supported attack against Cuba in 1961 was a complete embarassment for the Kennedy Administration
What is the Bay of Pigs
He became the first person to walk on the moon in 1969.
Who is Neil Armstrong
This act was signed in 1957 by President Eisenhower in an attempt to protect the voting rights of all citizens
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
He was an African American leader that demand Black Power immediately
Who is Stokely Carmichael
African-American Student that attempted to enroll at the University of Mississippi in 1962, and was met with violence/resistance
Who is James Meredith
The Soviet Union completed building this in Europe in 1961.
What is the Berlin Wall
This music festival, attended by over 400,000 people, marked the end of the Hippie Era
What is Woodstock
He was an African American lawyer that argued the Brown Case before the Supreme Court in 1954
Who is Thurgood Marshall
He was a Civil Rights leader that promoted violence if necessary, a Nation of Islam member, assassinated in 1965
Who is Malcolm x
This act passed in 1965, guaranteed the right to vote for African Americans and ended literacy tests and poll taxes
What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965
This is the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Who is Nikita Kruschev
Chaos erupted in the streets of Chicago, as the police fought with anti-war protestors at this event in 1968.
What is Democratic National Convention