Women in America
Supreme Court Cases
The Constitution
Influential Tech
The Melting Pot

"Remember the ladies, John" quipped this influential early American supporter of the concept of Republican motherhood

Who is Abigail Adams?

The Supreme Court case that started it all, setting the precedent for the right to judicial review

What is Marbury v Madison (1803)


This article of the Constitution outlines the functions of the Executive Branch

What is Article 2?


This invention from Eli Whitney dramatically changed the landscape for cash crops in the United States

What is the Cotton Gin?


Seeking religious "freedom" or potential profit, these two colonies were the first in British North America

What is Plymouth and Jamestown?


This women's rights activist chained herself to the White House fence in an attempt to protest the outbreak of WWI

Who is Alice Paul?


This case made it legal to pass segregationist laws as long as they were "equal".

What is Plessy v Ferguson (1896)

Loose constructionists use this clause of the Constitution to argue that the government has powers not specifically outlined within the text.

What is the "Elastic Clause" (implied powers clause)?


Abraham Lincoln used this new tech to communicate directly with his generals on the battlefield

What is the telegraph?


inspired by famine and persecution, this catholic group is the largest immigrant group in the US by 1850.

Who are the Irish?

This influential novelist was supposedly greeted by Abraham Lincoln with the phrase "so you're the little woman who caused this great big war"

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin)


In this decision, Chief Justice John Marshall’s Court ruled that Congress has the power to “regulate commerce” and that federal law takes precedence over state laws.

What is Gibbons v Ogden (1824)?


According to the Constitution, new Amendments must be passed using this two-part vote

2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of States


While Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt are synonymous with steel, oil, and railroads, JP Morgan is synonymous with the rise of this US industry.

What is corporate banking (finance)?


As a result of backlash against immigration on the West Coast in 1882, this was the first significant law restricting immigration into the US 

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


The Hull House Movement played an important role in pioneering the field of social work led by this famous activist

Who is Jane Addams?


This court case established the right for the National Bank to exist and prohibited the states from taxing federal institutions.

What is McCulloch v Maryland (1819)


"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." is the text of this Amendment.

What is the 8th Amendment?


The steamboat, invented by this man, allowed for quick travel against the current.

Who is Robert Fulton?


In more recent years, immigration flows in to the United States have primiarly come from these two regions of the world?

What are Asia and Latin/Central America?


Famous for helping to establish the NAACP, this African American woman also launched a crusade against the practice of lynching

Who is Ida B. Wells (Barnett)

Considered by most legal scholars to be the worst ruling in the courts history, the Dred Scott decision was levied by this former slave owner from Maryland.

Who was Roger B. Taney?


Despite the fact that they served the rest of their terms, these 3 presidents have been impeached in US History.

Who are Johnson, Clinton, and Trump?


Carried out on the radio waves, these presidential addresses rallied support for FDR's New Deal initiatives

What are the "Fireside Chats"?


In more recent trends, inter regional migration in the United States has seen people move toward these two areas?

What is West coast and South?