DNA and protein

This is the basis for the earliest classification system of organisms.

A. differences in habitat 

B. evolutionary relationships 

C. reproductive patterns 

D. physical characteristics 

What is physical characteristics? D


This statement best describes natural selection.

A. As the weather changes, organisms that are able to find shelter need less energy to live. 

B. Organisms that eat only plants need less food than organisms that eat animals. 

C. Organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits to their offspring.

D. Small organisms are more likely to survive than larger organisms. 

What is organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits to their offspring? C


This is the function of a restriction enzyme.

A. to control the movement of proteins into a cell 

B. to regulate blood sugar levels 

C. to produce hormones that regulate digestion 

D. to cut DNA at a specific nucleotide sequence

What is to cut DNA at a specific nucleotide sequence? D


This carries the instructions for making amino acids in a protein.

A. the nitrogen base on the tRNA 

B. the hydrogen bonding between nitrogen bases 

C. the sequence of nitrogen bases on the mRNA

D. the nitrogen base bonding on the DNA molecule 

What is the sequence of nitrogen bases on the mRNA? C


This will most likely happen if a nonnative species is introduced into a stable ecosystem.

A. The native species will change their diet, and the ecosystem will remain stable. 

B. The native species will move to another area, and the ecosystem will remain stable. 

C. The native species will have to compete for resources with the nonnative species, and the ecosystem will become unbalanced.

D. The native species will share their food with the introduced species, and the ecosystem will become unbalanced. 

What is the native species will have to compete for resources with the nonnative species, and the ecosystem will become unbalanced? C


Multicellular eukaryotic autotrophs belong to this kingdom.

A. Animalia

B. Fungi

C. Plantae

D. Protista

What is Plantae? C


An insecticide kills most of the ants on a plant. Over time, it is determined that the insecticide is not as effective for killing ants. This statement best explains this observation.

A. The ants killed initially by the insecticide were genetically the same as the surviving ants. 

B. The ants killed initially by the insecticide had thinner cell membranes than the surviving ants. 

C. The ants that survived were younger than those that died as a result of the insecticide. 

D. The ants killed by the insecticide and the surviving ants were genetically different.

What is the ants killed by the insecticide and the surviving ants were genetically different? D


This would be a desirable trait scientists may want to create in a transgenic plant.

A. the ability to resist insects

B. the ability to grow less fruit 

C. the ability to change color in the winter 

D. the ability to use a lot of water 

What is the ability to resist insects? A


This is the difference between the DNA of a dog and the DNA of a fly.

A. the type of sugar building blocks 

B. the sequence of nucleotides

C. the strength of hydrogen bonds 

D. the strength of covalent bonds 

What is the sequence of nucleotides? B


This will most likely occur if the population of the world continues to increase at predicted rates.

A. There will be an increase in biodiversity as a result of improvements in technology. 

B. There will be more rapid depletion of natural resources.

C. The human race will rapidly become extinct. 

D. All human diseases will be eliminated. 

What is there will be more rapid depletion of natural resources? B


This adaptation is present in  ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms but not mosses.

A. chloroplasts

B. flowers

C. stomata

D. vascular tissue

What is vascular tissue? D


Scientists believe that the polar bear in Alaska and the brown bear in Russia evolved from a common ancestor. This would be responsible for the evolutionary change.

A. geographic isolation 

B. artificial selection

C. asexual reproduction 

D. sexual competition  

What is geographic isolation? A


This transgenic organism has been used to clean up oil spills.

A. bacteria

B. fungus

C. jellyfish

D. paramecia

What is bacteria? A

A section of DNA has these bases:
The mRNA sequence is produced from this DNA section is:





What is AUC GUC AUG? B


This statement best explains why animals are considered heterotrophic.

A. They are able to produce food through the process of photosynthesis. 

B. They are able to produce food through the process of respiration. 

C. They are able to obtain nutrients by decomposing plant and animal tissue. 

D. They are able to obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms or their products.

What is they are able to obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms or their products? D


Some scientists claim recent evidence suggests birds should be reclassified to share more taxonomic groups with dinosaurs. This type of evidence would provide the best support for this claim.

A. evidence showing birds shared similar habitats with dinosaurs 

B. evidence showing birds shared similar nutritional requirements as dinosaurs 

C. evidence showing birds shared similar behaviors with dinosaurs 

D. evidence showing birds shared a common genetic history with dinosaurs

What is evidence showing birds shared a common genetic history with dinosaurs? D


An antibiotic which was effective 20 years ago against a specific type of bacterial infection no longer works against the same kind of infection today. This best explains why the antibiotic is no longer as effective as it was 20 years ago.

A. Bacteria resistant to the antibiotic have killed off non-resistant bacteria. 

B. Viruses have changed the structure of the bacteria that causes the infection. 

C. Resistant bacteria have survived and reproduced at a greater rate than non-resistant bacteria.

D. The human body has developed an immunity to the antibiotics. 

What is resistant bacteria have survived and reproduced at a greater rate than non-resistant bacteria? C


Many farmers encouraged to plant different types of crops on the same land throughout the year because..

A. It prevents insects from destroying crops. 

B. It provides more food to other countries. 

C. It allows for more genetic variation in plants. 

D. It helps to preserve the quality of the soil.

What is it helps to preserve the quality of the soil? D 


This best summarizes the role of DNA in the production of proteins.

A. DNA moves to the cytoplasm to build proteins. 

B. DNA transports amino acids to the ribosomes to make proteins. 

C. DNA contains the instructions used to make proteins. 

D. DNA breaks the bonds between the amino acids. 

What is DNA contains the instructions used to make proteins? C


This will most likely be the result as humans move into new areas, forests are clear cut and housing developments are built.

A. Global temperatures will decrease because trees are removed. 

B. Many organisms will lose their homes because their habitats have been destroyed.

C. Better sanitation in the area will reduce the amount of pollution. 

D. The rainfall in the area will increase because there will be increased runoff. 

What is many organisms will lose their homes because their habitats have been destroyed? B


This is the difference between the full classification of organisms and their scientific names.

A. The full classification of organisms and their scientific names vary in different countries. 

B. The scientific names of organisms include the order and family of the organisms, but the full classification includes only the species name. 

C. The full classification of organisms will include more categories of organisms than their scientific names.

D. The scientific names of organisms include a single nomenclature, but the full classification includes various nomenclatures. 

What is The full classification of organisms will include more categories of organisms than their scientific names? C


This substance biochemists use often search for in fossils to help better understand the evolutionary relationships of the organism that formed the fossil.



C. iron

D. oxygen

What is DNA? B


This is a step in the process of producing transgenic bacteria.

A. A plasmid is used to replace a faulty gene in a human cell. 

B. A chain of bacterial amino acids is inserted into human DNA. 

C. A human gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid.

D. A mutation is produced in a bacterial cell. 

What is a human gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid? C


A mutation in mRNA have this effect on the production of proteins.

A. The protein produced will have a different identity.

B. The protein produced will have a coiled shape. 

C. The protein produced will produce excess nitrogen. 

D. The protein produced will produce excess water. 

What is the protein produced will have a different identity? A


In some ecosystems, wolves have been eliminated due to their threats to humans. The reintroduction of wolves benefit the ecosystem by

A. It can eliminate weak animals from a prey population, thereby decreasing competition for natural resources. 

B. It can eliminate the most fit animals among the prey population, which will cause an increase in birth rates of the prey 

C. It can cause the prey population to migrate to other areas, resulting in more fit prey. 

D. It can cause the prey population to better blend in with their environment. 

What is it can eliminate weak animals from a prey population, thereby decreasing competition for natural resources? A