Natural hazards
Earth and Human activities
Engineering design process
Chemical reactions
Thermal energy and particles

A wave of water that is produced by underwater volcanos, earthquakes or ocean slides.

What is a Tsunami?


What is one negative impact of deforestation?

Animals may die or lose their habitat


How can the various proposed design solutions be compared and improved?

First the solution needs to be tested, second it needs to be modified based on its test results.


How do substances combine or change (react) to make new substances?

Molecules in the reactants break down and reform to make new substances.


Name three ways pressure and temperature rose in your Phet demonstration. 

decreased volume of the container

increased the number of particles/atoms in the container

heated the container.


Earthquakes near shorelines are more devastating today than 100 years ago because ________

Greater populations numbers and/or population densities.


What is one thing you can do to help stop deforestation?

Recycle, reuse, reduce natural and synthetic resources


What is the 1st and 2nd step in the design process?

The 1st step is to identify a need. The 2nd step is to conduct a research.


When water was added to calcium chloride and baking soda was added to that mixture, what new properties formed that did not exist in the reactants? Name two properties.

Reaction was endothermic (heat was taken out of the system), the color changed, a gas formed inside the bag.


Describe what happens to thermal energy when substances freeze, melt, condense and evaporate.

Thermal energy is reduced in freezing and condensation and increased in melting, evaporation.


Besides recycling, reusing, and reducing, how else have human populations mitigated the negative impacts of using up natural resources?

They have developed technologies to mitigate the overuse of natural resources.


Besides habitat destruction what is another reason how humans are driving down animal populations? 

commercial fishing, and/or poaching endangered animals, polluting habitats


What is the 3rd step?

The 3rd step is brainstorm.


Name three properties that indicated that the iron and sulfur reacted chemically when they were heated.

color change, gas formed (new substance), rotten egg odor, no longer able to seperate iron from sulfur with a magnet.


What happened to thermal energy in the calcium chloride and water reaction? What happened to the thermal energy when calcium chloride and water reacted, and what happened to thermal energy when baking soda was added to that mixture?

calcium chloride and water thermal energy increased

calcium chloride/water mixture plus baking soda caused thermal energy to decrease


Which of the following is not a reason New Mexico is rated moderate risk for an Earthquake?

a. surrounded by states that have had large Earthquakes in the past

b. New Mexico was underwater at one point during its history

c. New Mexico has volcanic activity

d. New Mexico has had large Earthquakes in the past.


What are two ways that engineers try to mitigate the affect of Tsunami's?

Build seawalls, channels, floodgates


What is the 4th step?

The 4th step is to select a solution.


In photosynthesis six carbon dioxides and six waters breakdown and form these products.

One glucose, six oxygens


How are the three states of matter different from each other? List two examples for each state of matter.

gases- have the greatest KE of all states of matter, have no definite shape or volume, and have the greatest distance among particles

liquids- have less KE than gases but more than solids, that have no definite shape but a definite volume, and they are closer together than gases but farther apart than solids.

solids- have the least amount of KE, they have a definite shape and volume, and particles are so close together that they can only vibrate with surrounding particles.


During natural hazards electrical and water systems get damaged, causing microorganisms to get into the drinking supply. This is the precaution people should take to insure safe drinking water.

What is boil their water.


Why do the majority of Tsunami's happen to continents bordering the Pacific ocean?

The Pacific Ocean sits on the Ring of Fire that contains numerous plate boundaries.


What is the 5th step?

The 5th step is  build a prototype.


How did we model the photosynthesis reaction?

We used different colors of gumdrops to represent atoms, and we used toothpicks to represent bonds between atoms.

Give an naturally occurring example of condensation, melting, freezing and evaporation.

answers will vary