W. Expansion & Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Imperialism & Sp-Am War
World War I
Great Depression & New Deal

Constitutional principle that says powers of the government are limited to those mentioned in the Constitution.

What is Limited Government


Completed in 1869

Created new national markets

Brought settlers to the west

What was the Transcontinental Railroad


Cannot deny the right to vote due to gender

What is the 19th Amendment


The spark that started the Spanish-American War

What is the explosion of the USS Maine


"Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated in Sarajevo"

What action was an immediate consequence of this event?

What was the start of WWI or Austria-Hungary declared was on Serbia


A shift away from the traditional roles of women was a major influence on the popularity of the __________ during the 1920s.

Who were flappers


A New Deal 'reform' program still in existence today provides an income for retired people?

What is the Social Security Administration


Power of the government comes from consent of the governed

What is Popular Sovereignty


Gave land to families to farm and was an attempt to assimilate Native Americans.

What is the Dawes Act


Protected consumers' health and welfare by insuring quality products

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act


All countries should be able to trade with China

What is the Open Door Policy


A new strategy for fighting war which led to stalemates.

What is trench warfare?


Two leaders in aviation

Who were Charles Lindbergh and Glenn Curtiss


People relying more on the federal government for assistance as a result of ___________ programs.

What is New Deal


During Reconstruction the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were ratified.
What issue was being addressed?

What were rights of former slaves


Federal law restricting Asian immigration

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act


Process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by their legislature

What is referendum


It increased trade by reducing travel times between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

What was the Panama Canal


Large movement of African-Americans  from the south to the north and west, looking for better jobs and more freedoms

What is the Great Migration


Cars became more affordable for more people as a result of _____________ new manufacturing method called the __________________________.

Who is Henry Ford and the Assembly LIne


FDR was heavily criticized for his plan to change the Supreme Court so that the court would no longer rule his programs unconstitutional. This plan was known as -

What is Court-packing


Amendment that protects right to due process, grand jury, no double jeopardy, and eminent domain

What is the 5th Amendment


Corrupt city government officials promising to provide services and jobs in exchange for votes.

What is a political boss


One of its goals was to provide stability for the national economy by creating a central banking system.

What is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913


Argued for a strong navy in his book "Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

Who was Alfred T. Mahan

Was key to convincing the U.S. Senate not to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and not joining the League of Nations.

Who was Henry Cabot Lodge


New optimism and the growth of African American culture which included such things as music and literature.

What is the Harlem Renaissance


People were unable to repay the loans used to purchase stocks in the mid-to-late 1920s, this contributed to the -

What is the Great Depression


What Constitutional right did the most to advocate the principle of democracy described by Tocqueville?

What is the right to vote...


Process that resulted in stronger and cheaper material for railroads and bridges.

What is the Bessemer steel process


-Europeans seek industrial jobs in the United States

-World War I begins

-Nativism resurges in the United States

One way the government responded to these events?

What is passed immigration restrictions


U.S. fought the Spanish on these two islands during the Spanish-American War.

What is Cuba and the Philippines


Germany's promise to warn passengers before attacking

What was the Sussex Pledge


The Americanization movement of the early twentieth century was prompted by the increasing numbers of immigrants from =

What is eastern and southern Europe


In the 1920s the value of stocks soared as people bought stocks hoping to 'get rich quick', this process is known as -

What is Speculation