Bill of Rights I
Bill of Rights II
Here Comes The Judge
There Goes The Judge
Sources of Law

Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, religion, the press and the right to petition and assemble peaceably?

First Amendment


Which group of people opposed the ratification of the Constitution in 1787 because it lacked a bill of rights?

The Anti-Federalists


Which 1954 Supreme Court case ruled that separate schools for Black and White students was unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Eduction


In which of the following U.S. Supreme Court decisions did the Court find that minors have the same rights as adults such as the right of due process, the right to counsel, and the privilege against self-incrimination?

a. in re Gault

b. Bush v. Gore

c. Miranda v. Arizona

d. Gideon v. Wainwirght

a. in re Gault


Under which type of law can a soldier be court-martialed for leaving without permission?

military law

When a person in the military faces violations of military law it is called "court-martialed."


Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights protects citizens right to bear arms?

Second Amendment


Name one way that free speech is limited

1. You cannot slander or speak lies about someone

2. You cannot speak in a way that leads to criminal acts

3. You cannot speak about overthrowing the government

4. You cannot threaten violence against others


The Supreme Court decided in the Gideon v. Wainwright case of 1963, that states must provide poor citizens with what? 

A lawyer


Which U.S. Supreme Court decision ruled that school administrators could remove articles from a newspaper?

a. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (1988) 

b. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) 

c. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) 

d. Bush v. Gore (2000)

a. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (1988)


The statement below is from a jury's decision in a court case.

"We, the jury, rule in favor of Mrs. Madison, and order Mr. Washington to pay the sum of twenty thousand dollars for damages, plus attorney fees and court costs...."

 Based on the statement, what type of case has the jury decided?

a. civil

b. military

c. juvenile

d. constitutional

a. civil

Civil cases involve situations where citizens sue for damages


Which Amendment protects citizens from illegal search and seizure, and requires officials to have probable cause or a search warrant.

Fourth Amendment


Fill in the blanks:

The Eighth Amendment protects citizens from cruel and unusual ________ and excessive ______

punishment/ bail


As a result of the Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona (1966), a person accused of a crime is entitled to be told what? 

Their right to remain silent

Their right to have an attorney


In which case did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that the Florida Supreme Court's method for recounting ballots was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?

a. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

b. Gideon v. Wainwright

c. United States v. Nixon

d. Bush v. Gore

d. Bush v. Gore


 A man enters an electronics store and points a gun at the store clerk. He demands all of the cash in the register and flees the scene with $3,600. What type of law has been violated?

Criminal law

The man committed the criminal act of armed robbery


Name two rights listed in the Fifth Amendment

1. Right to a grand jury

2. No Double Jeopardy (can't be tried twice for same offense)

3. Right to remain silent (self-incrimination)

4.  Right to due process of law (law enforcement must follow the rules)

5. Eminent Domain (government must pay for private property they take for public use) 


The 10th Amendment says that any power not delegated to the federal government is reserved for the __________



Fill in the blanks

When Homer Plessy sat in an all-white train car in the 1890's, the Supreme Court legalized segregation with the "________ but ______ Doctrine"



When President Nixon was forced to turn over tapes of himself discussing criminal behavior in U.S. v. Nixon (1974), the court upheld what idea about government?

The Rule of Law or the idea that everyone must obey the law

or that no one is above the law


A court decides that the First Amendment permits a journalist to write an article on something the government wants to keep secret. What type of law was MOST involved in the decision?

Constitutional Law

Constitutional law deals with cases over rights contained in the Constitution.  Freedom of the press is a First Amendment freedom in the Constitution's Bill of Rights.


Name two rights guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment

1. Right to a trial by jury

2. Right to a speedy/ public trial

3. Right to know what crime you are charged with

4. Right to confront/question witnesses

5.Right to an attorney


The Third Amendment protects citizens from what violation?

The quartering of soldiers (being forced to feed and house soldiers)


In the Tinker v. Des Moines case of 1969, the Supreme Court protected which right of students?

Freedom of Speech


The most important Supreme Court case in U.S. history, Marbury v. Madison (1803), established what important power of the Supreme Court?

Judicial Review


Which type of law is created by any legislative or lawmaking body?

Statutory Law