Clauses and Types of Sentences
Context Clues
Figurative Language
Point of View

What is the INDEPENDENT clause in this sentence?:

Because Millie is a nurse, she really likes to help people.

"she really likes to help people"


Is this word hyphenated? 

Forty five

Yes, it should be forty-five. 


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the italicized word:

It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park.

Idyllic= ideal, perfect, wonderful


What type of figurative language is this?:

The stack of books was a leaning tower of Pisa that could fall over at any moment. 



Which point of view uses I, me, my, etc.?

First Person


What is the DEPENDENT clause in this sentence?:

Please don't forget to bring the cooler whenever you come to visit. 

"whenever you come to visit"


Where does the hyphen belong in this sentence? 

We will have a two week break for Christmas. 

We will have a two-week break for Christmas. 


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the italicized word:

The crime he committed was egregious; he’ll never recover from this horrendous scandal.

Egregious= shocking, horrifying, awful, unforgivable 


What type of figurative language is this?:

The raindrops danced as they hit the sidewalk. 



Which point of view is told from one character's perspective by an outside narrator?

Third Person Limited


What type of sentence is this?:

Mark really loves his pet duck. 

A: Compound

B: Simple

C: Complex

B. Simple Sentence


Where do the hyphens belong in this sentence? 

My brother in law brought pie to the party.

My brother-in-law brought pie to the party.


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the italicized word:

When Bill spoke harsh words to his girlfriend, she cried and it caused him to feel remorse.

Remorse= shame, guilt

What type of figurative language is this?:

The boom of the fireworks woke my dog and left him shivering in fear. 



What POV is this? (First or third?): 

Joe decided that he loved Gwen so much that he couldn't live without her. 

Third Person


What type of sentence is this?:

I always wanted to visit outer space, so my sister bought me my very own space ship. 

A: Compound-Complex

B: Complex

C: Compound

C. Compound
Does this sentence need a hyphen?

Tyrone decided to get together with his friend he hadn't seen in awhile. 

No. Get together is a verb in this case. 


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the italicized word:

Marty is gregarious, unlike his brother who is quiet and shy.

Gregarious= outgoing, social, friendly


How could you make this sentence have parallel structure?:

Hallie enjoys cooking, reading, and to swim. 

Hallie enjoys cooking, reading, and swimming.


Hallie enjoys to cook, read, and swim. 


Hallie enjoys to cook, to read, and to swim. 


What POV is this? (First or Third?):

As soon as I heard the news, I ran as fast as I could to the hospital to see my uncle. 

First Person


What type of sentence is this?:

Although she doesn't like him, Marley agreed to go with Jeff to prom.

A: Compound

B: Simple

C: Complex

C. Complex


Where does the hyphen go in this sentence?

Their decision to cut their hair off was a last minute decision.

Their decision to cut their hair off was a last-minute decision.


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the italicized word:

Attempting to avoid the accident was futile; it was impossible for either of them to stop in time.

Futile= pointless, useless, worthless


What type of figurative language is this?: 

If I’m not home by midnight, my car might turn into a pumpkin.



Which point of view is told from the perspective of an outside narrator who knows everything?

Third Person Omniscient