Unit 1,2,3
Unit 4,5,6
Unit 7,8,9
Unit 10,11,12
Unit 13,14,15

A monetary theory which states that a country’s     ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient by acquiring the most gold and silver. Each country is in a race to get the most territory, wealth and influence.

What is Mercantilism (Unit 1)


"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution" is derived from which clause in the U.S. Constitution?

What is the Elastic Clause? (Unit 4)

See also - Hamilton's Financial Plan


Northern Strategy in the Civil War to blockade the Southern coastline and control the Mississippi River to divide the Confederate States. It was very "snake" like.

What is the Anaconda Plan? (Unit 7)

See also - Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and the Battles of the Civil War (Gettysburg, Bull Run, etc)


The German practice during World War I of attacking all ships with submarines that they believed could be carrying supplies to the Allied Powers

What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare? (Unit 10)

See also - Zimmerman Telegram, Fourteen Points, League of Nations


The failed invasion of Cuba by exiles backed by the CIA in which they attempted to overthrow Fidel Castro

What is the Bay of Pigs? (Unit 13)

See also - JFK assassination, Cuban Missile Crisis, Space Race


A system for the exchange of goods like silver and gold between European powers and new world colonies across the Atlantic; later on, Slaves from Africa would become a huge factor.

What is Trans-atlantic Trade (Unit 1)


This doctrine or rule gives the Judicial Branch the power to overrule laws that go against the Constitution. It is considered the strongest power of government and makes the Supreme Court slightly more powerful than the other two branches. 

What is Judicial Review? (Unit 4)

See also - Marbury v. Madison (STUDY THIS)


The government's plan to rebuild the South from the destruction and economic loss of the Civil War.

What is Reconstruction? (Unit 7)

See also - 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments


The period of time when the government banned the manufacturing, transportation, and consumption of alcohol. 

What is Prohibition? (Unit 10)

See also - Flappers, Stock Market Crash


The spy scandal that got President Nixon impeached, however before it was voted on, Nixon resigned. The scandal dealt with spying on the Democratic Party at a hotel.

What is Watergate? (Unit 13)

See also - Nixon, Pardon, Jimmy Carter


Conflict fought between Great Britain and her colonies versus France and her colonies and their American     Indian allies from 1754-63 for colonial trade dominance in North America.

What is the French and Indian War (Unit 2)

Also see - Proclamation of 17963


A reform movement which regained momentum during the Second Great Awakening; concerned with ending the institution of slavery.

What is abolition? (Unit 5)

See also - Nat Turner's Rebellion, Second Great Awakening 


A period in American history characterized by massive economic expansion. Monopolies became huge and were led by the railroad companies. 

What is the Gilded Age? (Unit 8) 

See also - John D. Rockefeller, Monopoly, Angel/Ellis Island


The strategy used in WWII in the Pacific Theater for the US military to get closer and closer to Japan by taking out smaller islands.

What is Island hopping? (Unit 11)

See also - Atomic bomb, D-Day


Peace talks in the Middle East led by President Carter between Israel, Egypt, and the U.S. 

What is the Camp David Accords? (Unit 14)

See also - Iranian Hostage Crisis, Desert Storm


The national government under THIS founding document was extremely weak and had no authority to tax. It was later replaced with the Constitution. 

What are the Articles of Confederation (Unit 3)

Also see - Northwest Ordinance of 1787


A phrase coming from a newspaper editorial in 1845     referring to America’s westward expansion across the continent “from sea to shining sea.”

What is Manifest Destiny? (Unit 6)

See also - Mexican-American War


This political party was founded to represent the desires of the labor movement. The labor movement found an unlikely ally in angry farmers in the south and     west

What is the Populist Party? (Unit 8)

See also - labor unions, American Federation of Labor


This was a massive environmental disaster caused by overfarming crops for allies in WWI

What is the Dust Bowl? (Unit 11)

See also - Okies, Hooveriles


These were the charges pressed on President Clinton for his impeachment proceedings

What is obstruction of justice and perjury? (Unit 15)

See also - NAFTA


A compromise in which Slave states would be permitted to count three out of every five slaves towards their population, fugitive slaves would be returned, and slavery would be safe under the     Constitution for 20 years.

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise? (Unit 3)

See also - The Great Compromise


citizens of a given territory would be able to vote on whether they wanted to practice slavery in their territory, rather than have it be assigned to them by     geography.

What is Popular Sovereignty? (Unit 6)

See also - Compromise of 1850, Sectionalism


Progressive Era investigative journalists who used their newspaper articles, photographs, and books to uncover corruption. 

Supreme Court case where a man was arrested for buying a train ticket to the white passenger cart when he was 1/8 Black

What is a Muckraker? (Unit 9)

What is Plessy v. Ferguson? (Unit 9)

See also - Teddy Roosevelt, Square Deal, The Jungle,


This policy was President Truman's way of keeping communism from spreading across Europe. 

What is containment? (Unit 12)


Also known as "Star Wars", this new initiative from President Reagan scared the Soviet Union into debt by making more weapons, thus leading to the fall of the USSR. 

What is the Strategic Defense Initiative? (Unit 15)

See also - Reaganonmics, PATRIOT ACT