Foundation of Politics
Basic Principles of Government
Feds v Anti-Feds
27 Amendments
3 Branches of Government/Ohio Constitution

What is persuasion?

The act of convincing someone that your idea/proposal is better than theirs


List all 5 basic principles of government.

Popular Sovereignty, Limited Government, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances.


What was the name of the document that described our first form of government?

Articles of Confederation


What is the name of the first 10 Amendments, AND what are their purpose?

The Bill of Rights - to protect individual freedoms.


Identify the 3 branches of government and the Articles they are established in.

Article I - Legislative

Article II - Executive

Article III - Judicial


What is it called when both sides have given up something that they specifically want, so both sides can get something out of it?



Which constitutional principle is identified with the concept of the "consent of the governed"?

Popular Sovereignty


1. Which party fought for individual liberties and feared the idea of a strong, tyrannical, national government?

2. Which party fought for stability through a strong central authority with having a military and the right to tax people?

1. Anti-federalists

2. Federalists


There are 5 Suffrage Amendments in the Constitution. Choose 2 of them and correctly define them.

15th - Gave African American men the right to vote

19th - Gave women the right to vote

23rd - Gave people in Washington DC the right to vote

24th - No one had to pay a poll tax in order to vote

26th - Moved the voting age to 18


Since states are sovereign from the federal government, state governments can pass laws that can overpower federal laws in certain situations. True or false?

False - All federal laws hold more weight and state laws cannot go against them.


Source #1 - Results from a public poll from citizens on the topic of a public issue.

Source #2 - Information collected and held by the government that citizens can see.

Correctly identify both sources.

Source #1 - Surveys

Source #2 - Public Records


Explain how the Supremacy Clause reinforces the principle of Limited Government.

Limited Government states that the government is limited to only what their powers are, which are stated in the Constitution.

The Supremacy Clause states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and everyone must follow it, including the government.


List 3 weaknesses the Articles of Confederation had that lead to the Constitutional Convention.

No power to tax, no power to raise an army, no executive branch, no judicial branch.


How did the 12th Amendment fix problems taking place in the Electoral College?

They created separate ballots for the President and Vice President so there could not be a tie.


Name the highest figures in each branch of government at the federal level.

Legislative - Congress

Executive - The President

Judicial - Supreme Court


Voting, putting a sign in your yard showing your support of a school board member, posting your political opinion on Facebook, wearing a Henry 2024 tee shirt, etc., are all examples of participating in the _______

Political Process


Which BPOG is used to specify which powers the federal government has and is allowed to execute, while also specifying which powers state governments have and are allowed to execute?



In order to compromise with the Anti-Federalists, the Federalists promised to include a ______ to make sure the government did not overpower the people.

Bill of Rights


List the numbers of the Reconstruction Amendments AND list any 3 Jim Crow laws that resulted from those amendments.

13th, 14th, 15th

Poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, Separate but Equal Doctrine, sharecropping, black codes


Give me 2 examples of 1 branch checking another branch, but both examples cannot be the same branch checking the same branch.

President can grant pardons (Executive against Judicial)

Supreme court can declare laws made by Congress unconstitutional (Judicial against Legislative)

Congress can impeach the President (Legislative against Executive)


Correctly define consensus building.

The act of showing respect towards someone else's interests and making an effort to meet the needs of all parties involved.


Differentiate between Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances.

Sep. of Powers - Splits the powers between the 3 branches and specifies which powers belong to which branch.

Checks & Balances - Even though each branch has their own powers that they can only exercise, other branches can limit a branch from executing those specific powers if they abuse them.


Why would the Federalists believe that a Bill of Rights was not needed?

The new Constitution was never intending on taking individual liberties away in the first place.


Explain the purpose of the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Not every right that a person has, and state governments have, are listed in the Constitution. Anything failed to be listed are reserved for the people under the 9th and for state governments  under the 10th Amendment.


List 2 changes that were made in the Ohio Constitution of 1851.

1. Debt limitations

2. Governor and all federal judges will be elected by the people

3. District courts were created