Poetic Devices
Literary Elements
Essay Structure
Test Taking Strategies

The use of descriptive, figurative and metaphorical language to boost a reader's sensory experience.

A: Imagery.

When two forces have competing goals. Every narrative must have this.

A: Conflict


A central argument of an essay.

A: Thesis statement


The problem with the following sentence:

They don't wants to go to the store.

A: What is agreement in number?


What is a tool that you can use on the test to help you identify key points and words in a passage?

A: Highlighter Tool


Caged Bird by Maya Angelou is an example of this poetic device. 

A: Extended metaphor


The attitude of the author toward the writing, revealed through word choice and writing style

A:  Tone


This part of an analytical essay presents the main argument of each body paragraph. 

A: Topic Sentence


Two independent clauses, joined by a conjunction

A: Compound sentence


If the question asks you to select all that apply, and there are 5 or 6 options, how many should you select?

A: 2 if 5, 3 if 6


A reference to a person, event, or literary work outside the poem.

A: Allusion 


Device where the author takes the reader back in time in order to help them understand character or give them context for the story

A: Flashback


This part of an argumentative essay that is important for showing the reader that the author has considered other perspectives. 

A: Counterargument


The name of the phrase in the sentence below that is set off with commas:

Mr. Murray, an excellent teacher, has created this fun game just for us.

A: An appositive phrase


If you finish all the questions on part 1 and you have time left, what should you do?

A: Go back and review your answers, especially answers you weren't sure of

"But all they want to do// is tie the poem to a chair with rope//and torture a confession out of it", 

is an example of this poetic device. 

A: Personification


A universal idea, lesson, or message about a topic explored in a text. The author’s commentary or claim they are making about a topic.

A: Theme


A narrative writing technique that would be useful for illustrating a point the author is making 

A: Anecdote


What is the issue with the italicized portion written below?

Today is Friday. Excellent Day. I Enjoy going to school the most on Fridays. 

A: It is a sentence fragment


What are the universal tools you will have access to during part 2 of the test?

A: Dictionary and Thesaurus


A literary device that appears to contradict itself but actually holds a kind of truth.

A: Paradox

** Would also accept irony** 


The three types of point of view and how they are expressed

A: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, through pronouns


Fill in the blanks for the linear plot below. 

1. ____________________ --> 2. Rising Action --> 

3. ____________________ --> 4. Falling Action --> 

5. ____________________

A: exposition

A: climax

A: denoument/ resolution


Identify the grammatical construction at the beginning of the sentence below and how to properly address it.

Thomas make sure you finish your homework!

A: Direct address, needs a comma between Thomas and make


What is a test taking approach that has been shown to lower test anxiety?

A: Answering the questions you know first, then going back to more difficult questions