American Revolution
Declaration of Independence
Industrial/Market Revolution

Name the act that put a tax on stamping any legal documents, newspaper, etc. 

What is the Stamp Act? 


Name the document that officially declared the American Colonist independent from the English Monarchy 

What is the declaration of independence?


Name the reason why the Bill of Rights was created

What is anti-federalists afraid that the central (federal) government will have too much power?


Name a way that textile mills were able to power their production before steam engine

What is water or the river


Name the man who was the leader for the education reform movement 

Who is Horace Mann


Name a cause that made the American Colonists want to become independent 

(can be more than one or one) 

What is...

1) No taxation without Representation 

2) Unfair treatment 

3) High taxes and tariffs 


Common Sense by Thomas Paine, informs the colonists that the people have a right to.....

What is.....

1) To elect their leaders into their government 

2) To overthrow their government if their not fulfilling their responsibilities to the people 

3) The people have power!


What was the Federalists Papers 

What is to convince the American people to support the Constitution and a strong central government


Name the change in production pre and post market revolution (industrial revolution)

What is the transition from human/hand to machine production


Free question: Make sure to remember; EDUCATION IS NECESSARY FOR DEMOCRACY

Free Question


Name the group of people who were loyal to the English monarchy

Who were the loyalists? 


Name how the British saw the Declaration of Independence 

What is....treason towards the English Monarchy


Name the freedom that the 1st Amendment protects

What is...

1) Freedom of Speech 

2) Freedom of Religion 

3) Freedom to peacefully protest and assembly 


Name the conditions that workers were under factories

What is.....

1) Horrible and Dirty 

2) Long hours with little Pay 

True or False: The Suffragettes states that "We all the People" applies to all people

What is True


Name the group of people who were against the English Monarchy and want to gain independence 

Who were the Patriots?


Name some points that Washington advice to the American people and the government  

What is......

1) To remain neutral from any outside affairs 

2) To not create political parties or division in the government 

3) To be careful with our spending 

What group of people was Jefferson in support of 

What is farmers? 

Name an impact that factories caused to American society 
What is....

1) Creation of the middle class 

2) More items for the public 

3) Increased the economy 


Susan B Anthony was arrested for what

What is voting illegally? 


What does "Taxation without Representation" mean

What is American's right to have their opinion heard in government? 

Or similar to that


Define Bill of Rights

What is a list of rights that guarantees every American citizen has


Define the Sedition Act

What is government made it illegal for the public to print, publish or say anything negative about the government


Name some impacts that factories had on Women 

What is: 

1) More independence 

2) More opportunities for women 


Are you guys ready for the EOC? :)

Yes you are, stop panicking and you will do fine