Unit 1: Foundations of American Republicanism
Unit 2: Expansion and Union
Unit 3: Capitalism and Reform
Unit 4: Modernism and Interventionism
Unit 5: Legacy of the Cold War
Random Trivia

This political part supports a small federal government, strong state government, and has a very strict interpretation of the Constitution. 

What are the Anti-Federalists? 


This new technology had a negative impact of the Native Americans as American's began moving out west.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad? 


This is total or complete control over a service, product, or industry that prevents competition.

What is a monopoly? 


This foreign policy stance held by the United States in the beginning of World War I and World War II led the United States to join late.

What is Isolationism? 


This doctrine was designed to specifically to help aid people and countries who were resisting the spread of communism into their country.  

What is the Truman Doctrine?


These animals both eat meat and plants. 

What are omnivores? 


This speech encouraged the United States to stay out of the affairs of other countries and not create political parties. 

What is George Washington's Farewell Address? 


This  was a belief in the 19th-century United States that White American settlers were destined to expand across North America. 

What is Manifest Destiny? 

This is a negative term to describe great industrialists of the Gilded Age. 

What are Robber Barons? 


This tragic event led to the ending of World War II.

What was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? 


This new technology, which became widely popular in the 1950's, brought the Civil Rights Movement and other up-to-date events into people's homes.

What is the television? 


This is the last name of Drake from the popular television show "Drake and Josh"

What is Parker? 


The main cause of this ineffectiveness stemmed from a lack of a strong, central government

What is the articles of Confederation? 


This was part of the Compromise of 1850 and made it a crime to help runaway slaves?

What is the Fugitive Slave Act?


This business strategy is when a company acquires similar competing businesses and merges them into a single entity.

What is horizontal integration? 

This was a foreign policy statement issued in 1823 stating that the U.S. would oppose any intervention by European nations to control nations in the Western Hemisphere. 

What is the Monroe Doctrine? 


This event caused a negative shift in the U.S. public opinion during the Vietnam War. 

What was the Tet Offensive?


Instead of Apply devices on the show "iCarly" they used these devices.

What are Pear products? 


This supreme court case helped establish the principle of judicial review.

What is Marbury v. Madison? 


This newly created government bureau was responsible for the supervision and management of all matters relations to the newly freed African Americans. 

What is the Freedman's Bureau?


This economic policy best describe the United States government's policies toward big business during the Gilded Age.

What is Laissez-Faire Economics? 


This foreign policy stance was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine and enabled the United States to intervene in Latin American countries struggling with unstable conditions.

What was the Roosevelt Corollary? 


The media dubbed President Reagan's research team on a system of orbiting satellites that would intercept and destroy enemy missiles with laser beams. 

What is the Star Wars Program? 


This was Eleanor Roosevelt's Maiden name.

What is Roosevelt?


This financial plan would pay off all the national debt, create a strong national bank, and impose taxes on good.

What is Hamilton's Financial Plan


This law was aimed at assimilating Native Americans by offering reservation land on the condition of renouncing their tribes.

What is the Dawes Act? 


These three compromises were created to help settle disputes over the spread of slavery to the western territories.

What is the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1950, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act 


This ethnic group used their language as a secret code to communicate over the radio in World War II. 

What is the Navajo Tribe? 


These government programs were created by President Lyndon B. Johnson so that everyone, no mater gender or race, had equal access to justice, education, decent housing, and health care. 

What was the Great Society Programs? 


This is Mr. Day's favorite TV show and is also considered, by almost everyone in the world, as the greatest show ever made. 

What is Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia?