Enlightenment Ideas
Influential Documents
British Acts
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation

What are the two ideas the Constitution used from John Locke?

natural rights = life, liberty, and property

social contract


What idea is found in Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"?

Bonus: What document do we find this idea in?

Paine argued they had the right to replace the government because it didn't meet the needs of the people. 

We see this in the United States’ Declaration of Independence.  


What was the quartering act?

gave the government the right to send troops to reside in colonists’ barns and homes. 


At what event did the founding fathers approve the DOI?

(Worth 3x the points)

The Second Continental Congress


What were the 4 major problems of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not regulate trade, No uniform system of currency, No power of taxation.


Where can we find Enlightenment ideas today?

The Constitution


What ideas are found in the English Bill of Rights?

Legislature (Parliament) declared higher power than the king, and guaranteed individual rights such as: life, liberty, property, no taxation without representation, right fair and speedy trial, and no unreasonable punishment  


Why did the acts passed by Britain anger the colonists?

Bonus: Name an act for extra points

The colonists believed the acts were a restriction of their justice and their trading.


What year was the Declaration of Independence published?



What is the biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of executive power


Who was the most influential Enlightenment thinker?

John Locke


What ideas are found in the Mayflower Compact?

First written set of laws for the English settlers who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. This document introduced the very important idea of self-government in the colonies


What was the Boston Tea Party?

To protest the Tea Act, American colonists dressed up as Native Americans and threw chests of tea into the harbor


What is a right that cannot be taken away?

unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


What were 3 problems with the Articles of Confederation?

The states rarely contributed money, meaning the national government could not pay its debts or fund initiatives and, the national government could not regulate international or interstate trade.


What ideas did Montesquieu introduce?

Separation of powers


What ideas are found in the Magna Carta?

Established limited government

King guaranteed due process to his subjects

No taxation without representation

Rule of Law


What rights did the Sugar Act violate?

The colonies disputed the legality of this act since it seemed to violate the Bill of Rights of 1689


What are the 4 natural rights?

Life, Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness


What document replaced the AOC?

The Constitution


What did the Enlightenment thinkers hope to achieve?

Central to Enlightenment thought were the use and celebration of reason, the power by which humans understand the universe and improve their own condition.


What document did the founders make using ideas from the Enlightenment documents?

the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist/Anti-Federalist Papers.


What was the Continental Congress?

12 colonies sent representatives to discuss how to respond to British policies. 


What document influenced the DOI?

Common Sense by Thomas Paine


What system of government did the AOC establish?

Bonus: define the system

Confederal system