What's your point?
(of View)
It's all Foreign to Me
Do you See a Pattern Here?
That Figures
How Ironic
Leslie sat in front of Paul. She had two long, brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist. Paul saw those pigtails, and a terrible urge came over him. He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted to wrap his fist around it, feel the hair between his fingers, and just yank. He thought it would be fun to tie the pigtails together, or better yet, tie them to her chair. But most of all, he just wanted to pull one.
What is Third Person Limited point of view?
Mr. Keating told his students to Seize the day! The English translation for what foerign phrase?
What is Carpe Diem?
I swim. Joe swims. They swam.
What is Subject+Verb?
These references can be Biblical, historical or cultural or from Shakespeare.
What is an allusion?
A friend of yours slips in the lunchroom to which another friend replies, "I see your friend is really graceful." This is an example of this type of irony.
What is verbal?
The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy’s basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up
What is third person omniscient point of view?
If you plagarize articles for your research paper you may be accused of copying "word for word" which is this foreign word.
What is verbatim?
I drive a car. Joe plays the guitar. They ate dinner.
What is Subject+ Verb+ Direct Object?
The line below that contatins alliteration: a) "Lay thy bow of pearl apart" b) Now the sun is laid to sleep" c) Thou that make'st a day of night d) "earth , let not they envious shade"
What is b?
Someone cuts you off in traffic, and your parents shout swear words and then say "Thanks alot!" demonstrating their skills at this type of irony.
What is verbal?
The day Shiloh come, we’re having us a big Sunday dinner. Dara Lynn’s dipping bread in her glass of cold tea, the way she likes, and Becky pushes her beans over the edge of her plate in her rush to get ’em down. Ma gives us her scolding look. We live high up in the hills above Friendly, but hardly anybody knows where that is. Friendly’s near Sistersville, which is halfway between Wheeling and Parkersburg. Used to be, my daddy told me, Sistersville was once of the best places you could live in the whole state.
What is first person point of view?
Sometimes teachers go on and on to a sickening degree about how important grades are. This reminds us of this foreign phrase
What is ad nauseum?
I am busy. Joe became a doctor. They look sick.
What is Subject+Verb+Compliment?
All the Heavens seem to twinkle With a CRYSTALINE delight; Keeping time, time, time In a sort of RUNIC rhyme, To the TINTINTABULATION that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells,...The capital word that is an example of onomatopoeia.
What is Tintintabulation?
The Children's story "The Little Engine That Could" was written to remind us that if we "think we can" we will be successful. Tommy saw that same little Engine in line at the homeless shelter yesterday which illustrates this type of irony.
What is situational irony?
They spoke no more until camp was made. Henry was bending over and adding ice to the bubbling pot of beans when he was startled by the sound of a sharp snarling cry of pain from among the dogs. Henry grunted with a tone that was not sympathy, and for a quarter of an hour they sat on in silence, Henry staring at the fire, and Bill at the circle of eyes that burned in the darkness just beyond the fireligh
What is third person objective point of view?
This group were not very educated during the Renaissance even though the printing press had begun to make books more available to "the masses".
What is hoi polloi?
I gave her a gift. She teaches us English.
What is S-V-IO-DO?
In the poem "The Bells", by Edgar A. Poe, the line that contains and example of personification would be: a) "All the heavens seem to twinkle" b) "Keeping time, time, time" c) "how they scream out their affright" d) "From the mingling and the tinkling of the bells"
What is c?
Two sculptors who once respected each other part ways over a disagreement about art proving this type of irony.
What is situational irony?
To Make French Toast: First, take out a skillet to cook and turn the stove on low. Second, you will melt the butter in the pan and stir it with a spatula. Third, beat the eggs. Fourth, lay the bread, white or wheat, on both sides in the eggs. Fifth, sit the bread on top of butter for 30 seconds and then turn over. Now you have a slice of French toast, repeat.
What is Second person point of view?
Never text at a funeral or you will be guilty of this foreign phrase?
What is a Faux pas?
We are happy. He is smart. She seems nice.
What is S-V-C?
The selection below that contains a simile: a) "A narrow fellow in the Grass" b) "The grass divides as with a comb" c) " And then it closes at your feet" d) It wrinkled, and was gone-- "
What is b?
In horror films the blonde girl always walks right into the room where the monster is hiding .
What is dramatic Irony?