Civil War/Reconstruction
Industrial Revolution
US Imperialism
World War I
Roaring Twenties
the slave who sued his owner for his freedom but lost because the Supreme Court ruled he was property and therefore had no citizen rights in court.
Who is Dred Scott?
the first labor union of the United States
What is American Federation of Labor
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
What is imperialism
the sinking of this ship was one of the main causes of US intervention in World War I
What is Lusitania
A term used to describe women who were now more sexually active on the outside and inside. It was an example of how America was changing in the 1920s.
What are flappers
People who moved from the North to the South during Reconstruction to reap from the benefits
What are carpetbaggers?
process used to make steel quick and cheap
What is bessemer process
journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration
What is yellow journalism
Woodrow Wilson's "baby" in the Treaty of Versailles-a plan to create an international peace keeping organization of countries working together to prevent war.
What is League of Nations
Name the two amendments associated with prohibition
What is 18th and 21st
The military strategy used by the North to suffocate the South and their resources into surrendering the war
What is Anaconda Plan?
1882 prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers into the United States
What is Chinese Exclusion Act
The war fought in 1898 when the United States intervened on behalf of Cuba to help them win their independence. This war caused the US to become an imperial power.
What is Spanish-American War
the main way that the US government raised funds for the war effort
What are war bonds (liberty bonds)
The two Italian anarchists who were charged with burglary and murder in the 1920s. This ruling reflected the anti-foreign and anti-redism of the time
Who are Sacco and Vanzetti
One of the causes of the Civil War, this divided the United States at the 32-30 line making slavery legal above the line and illegal below the line
What is Missouri Compromise
application of the ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest to society and politics
What is social darwinism
constructed by Teddy Roosevelt this was built in Central America to make trade faster by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
What is Panama Canal
Federal law passed shortly after entrance into WWI, made it a crime for a person to mail or print information that inspired dissent against the American war effort or promoted its enemies.
What is Espionage Act
A Tennessee biology teacher is tried and found guilty of teaching the theory of evolution in his classroom. This ruling reflected the feelings of religious fundamentalism of the 1920s.
What is Scopes Trial
The system used in the South after slavery was abolished where freed men continued to work on their former owners plantations in exchange for shelter and a percentage of the crops grown
What is sharecropping
reform minded journalists who wrote to expose the problems of society and the abuses of industrialization
What are muckrakers
A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.
What is Open Door Policy
A cause of the US entry into the war, this message intercepted by the United States going from Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to side with Germany in the war once American entered--promised Mexico all of their lost US territory back in return for their support.
What is Zimmerman Telegram
symbol of government corruption; government oil reserves were secretly leased to oil companies in exchange for financial compensation
What is Teapot Dome Scandal