Supreme Court Cases
Systems of Government
Political Parties
Enlightenment Documents and Philosophers
Forms of Government
"Separate but Equal" established. Segregation is allowed as long as equal facilities are provided!
What is Plessy V Ferguson?
A system of government that divides power between the national and state and local governments. This is what the United States is.
What is a federal system?
The party system present in the United States.
What is a two-party system?
Author of Common Sense.
Who is Thomas Paine?
Form of government where everybody votes. Popular in small towns.
What is a direct democracy?
Establishes judicial review.
What is Marbury V Madison.
System of government which the legislative branch (parliament) chooses a president instead of the people, usually called a prime minister. The executive and legislative branches are connected. Britain is this.
What is a parliamentary system?
Believes in expanding the national government and increasing taxes for social programs.
What is a democrat?
Social Contract, Natural Rights, Inspired Tommy J, Inspired the Declaration of Independence.
Who is John Locke?
The type of government we have in the United States. Also known as a republic.
What is a representative democracy?
Overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine and desegregated schools.
What is Brown V BOE?
A system of government where the states have the power and the national government is weak. EX: Articles of Confederation.
What is a confederal system?
Believes in reducing the national government and lowering taxes.
What is a republican?
The first document to limit the power of the king. Established trial by jury. Written in 1215.
What is the Magna Carta?
A form of government where the government owns all means of production, decides what to produce and there is no private property.
What is communism?
A Supreme Court case that showed the importance of voting in elections. It was so close that the Supreme Court had to get involved and determine who was the winner.
What is Bush V Gore?
A system of government where power is almost entirely centralized in a single national government.
What is a unitary system?
A political party that believes in public ownership of property and businesses, but supports extreme government involvement in social programs. Some say it is a step below communism.
What is the socialist party?
Outlawed cruel and unusual punishment, provided the right to bear arms and other rights. Inspired our Bill of Rights.
What is the English Bill of Rights
A type of government where a ruler inherits the position and is the lone leader of the country. Powers can range from very limited to absolute control.
What is a monarchy?
Both of these Supreme Court cases have to do with students in school. One expanded students rights, then one restricted students rights.
What is Tinker V Des moines and Hazelwood V Kuhlmeir?
This system of government is used in dictatorships, such as North Korea.
What is a unitary system?
What is a republican and democrat?
Life, liberty, property/Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
Who is Locke and Jefferson?
Ruled by one/ Ruled by a few. (Two Answers)
What is an autocracy/ oligarchy.