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Even more middle

A student is working on an experiment that measures the number of times a mouse can find cheese in a maze . He starts at the same point each time , but the placement of cheese changes each time . What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

The number of times the mouse finds the cheese


What characteristic of the outer core make s it unique among the layers of Earth?

The outer core is able to flow, even though it is made of rock


What would be the most likely impact of large -scale removal of Earth's forests?

An imbalance in Earth's carbon dioxide and oxygen ratio


Lauren pushes a book off the edge of a table . Which energy change occurs as the book falls from the table ?

Potential to kinetic


Which of the following is NOT an example of an energy transformation? : A.) a solar panel B.) A hand-cranked flashlight C.) A gasoline powered lawnmower D.) A boulder at the bottom of a hill

D. Boulder at bottom of hill 


What is the independent variable in the following experiment? A scientist is testing two stain removers to se e which one works best to remove grease from a towel. The y use the same amount and type of grease on ten towels. The y applied each type of stain remover on 5 towels.

type of stain remover


What happens on Earth's surface when two continental plates collide?

The crust squeezes together forming a ridge or mountain


What is an effect of people moving to large cities?

Emissions from motor vehicles increases smog in the air


In an effort to reduce a school's environmental impact, a school board is planning to install solar pane ls on the roof to collect sunlight. What is the energy conversion performed?

Light energy is converted into electrical energy


Traditional incandescent bulbs are 10 percent efficient. This means that only 10 percent of the electrical energy used is turned into light. What happens to most of the remaining energy?

It is given off as heat


Be fore new scientific knowledge is accepted by the scientific community, what must occur?

results must be debated, analyzed, and repeated by other scientists


geologic areas  where rock is recycled by one tectonic plate sliding underneath another tectonic plate ?

Subduction Zone


What is the primary difference between the colors of visible light?

wavelength of each color is different


At the end of a long trip, Billy noticed the tires of his car were very hot. What is the main reason for this happening?

Friction between the road and tires


Crabs are crustaceans with five pairs of legs. In certain specie s of crabs, the fifth pair has a flattened, paddle like shape . Why was this adaptation most likely selected?

So they can swim faster away from predators


Which layer consists of Earth's crust and upper mantle divided into tectonic plate s?



A class is exploring seafloor spreading. The students want to learn more about how igneous rock is formed deep within the bottom of the ocean. Which type of plate boundaries should the students study in order to understand seafloor spreading?

Where two plates pull away from each other


Sam wants to separate the different colors of white light. What device can he use to separate the colors of white light?



Hydroelectric plants generate power by utilizing the flow of water to turn a turbine . This generates power for homes and businesses. What type of energy transformation is occurring at the hydroelectric plant?

Kinetic energy into electrical energy


How did Charles Darwin describe natural selection?

Organisms evolve through favorable traits that help them survive to reproduce


What is the source of energy that drive s Earth's plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions?

Heat energy from Earth's molten layers


Which type s of surface change s in Earth's crust are a direct result of tectonic plate movement?

mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes


Trevor's teacher lights a match to demonstrate an energy transformation. When the match is lit, heat and light are observed. Which form of energy was transformed into the he at and light?



Juan's room turns dark when his bulb burns out. He goes to replace the bulb, but it is too hot to touch. He waits 10 minutes and changes the bulb when it is completely cool. What happened to the heat in the bulb?

The heat was transferred to the air around it


How did Darwin's trip to the Galapagos Islands help define his ideas about evolution?

Each island had similar species with different traits, so he thought each species adapted to its habitat.