Unit 1: Origins of Government
Unit 2: Functions and levels of Government
Unit 3: influences of Government
Unit 4: International Relations
Unit 5: Miscellaneous
Laws based on Previous Court Cases (Precedent)
What is Common Law?
(3 part question) Branch of Government that writes laws, Branch of Government that enforces laws, Branch of Government that interprets laws
What is the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch?
Define Political Party
What is a group of people with broad common interests who wish to influence government by getting people elected?
Doctrine that tried to stop the Spread of the Soviet Union and Communism. (Containment)
What is Truman Doctrine?
Supreme Court where an adolescent made a prank phone call and was put in a reformatory for 6 years without a trial/
What is In Re Gault?
Democracy where people vote for representatives and those people vote on issues. Democracy where all people vote on all issues
What is Representative Democracy? What is Direct Democracy?
Type of government the United States has where the National Government shares power with the State government.
What is Federalism?
Amendment 26
What is the Amendment where 18 year olds are allowed to vote?
Military Alliance between the US and other countries in Europe.
What is NATO?
What is the Supreme Court Case that made segregation legal?
What is Plessy vs. Ferguson?
The document created by one colony that set up Direct Democracy in the New World
What is the Mayflower Compact?
Which level of government is in charge of collecting taxes?
What is National and State?
Organization that is created to help get candidates elected and go away once the election is over.
What is Political Action Committee?
World Government created to preserve World Peace
What is United Nations?
The Supreme Court case that ended segregation in public schools
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
Which document said government was a "necessary evil" stating that it was necessary for the colonies to declare independence?
What is Thomas Paine "Common Sense"
The three levels of the Judicial Branch
What is Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, District Court?
The Electoral System for electing the President (winner take all)
What is Electoral College?
The United States did not want to get involved in any international affairs. this is known as--------
What is isolationism?
court case that required anyone to receieve a lawyer free of charge
What is Gideon v. Wainwright?
The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 book, Common Sense. “The powers of governing . . . in the hands of the king . . . himself such an . . . enemy to liberty . . . is he . . . a proper person to say to these colonies, “YOU SHALL MAKE NO LAWS BUT WHAT I PLEASE.”” Based on this passage, with which complaint against the king from the Declaration of Independence would Thomas Paine agree? A. persecuting immigrant groups B. taking away religious rights C. taking away political rights D. persecuting racial groups
What is C. taking away political rights?
Which level government is in charge of war?
What is Federal/National Government?
Luis owns a small store in the downtown business district. He learned that at the next monthly council meeting, the mayor will propose limiting the amount of time that people can park on the streets in the business district. Luis is afraid that if the city council approves the proposal, his business will suffer. Which of the following should be Luis’s final step in attempting to resolve this issue? A. prepare a map of the available downtown parking spaces B. present an alternative proposal at the next council meeting C. call council members with concerns about the proposed policy D. survey downtown businesses to determine their thoughts on the issue
What is B. present an alternative proposal at the next council meeting
A country with very strong economic ties to the United States is allowing human rights violations to take place. Based on U.S. foreign policy, which is an appropriate first response? A.Initiate a trade ban. B.Initiate public protests. C.Initiate diplomatic talks. D.Initiate a military operation.
What is C.Initiate diplomatic talks.
Made the Supreme Court the branch of government that interprets the Constitution (gave Supreme Court the power to rule things unconstitutional)
What is Marbury v. Madison?