Origins & Purposes of Law & Government
Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens
Government Policies & Political Processes
Organization & Function of Government
Why did the Framers promise to add a bill of rights to the U.S. Constitution following ratification? A) Anti-Federalists would not support the U.S. Constitution without a list of rights being promised B) Anti-Federalists convinced the Federalists that it would be harder to ratify with a bill of rights C) Federalists convinced the Anti-Federalists that it would be easier to ratify with a bill of rights D) Federalists would not support the U.S. Constitution without a list of rights being promised
A) Anti-Federalists would not support the U.S. Constitution without a list of rights being promised
Which principles of the U.S. Constitution applies to all citizens? A) separation of powers B) checks and balances C) judicial review D) rule of law
D) rule of law
Why was the U.S. Constitution amended to abolish poll taxes? A. To permit more eligible citizens to buy property. B. To permit resident aliens to buy property. C. To permit more eligible citizens to vote. D. To permit resident aliens to vote.
C. To permit more eligible citizens to vote.
The passage below is taken from a citizen's letter to a public official. "Classrooms are overcrowded, I expect you to take action!" Which is a solution to the citizen's problem? A) Florida's education commissioner changes class size requirements B) Florida voters pass an amendment to address the issue C) The mayor hosts a meeting to address the concerns D) The city manager conducts building inspections
B) Florida voters pass an amendment to address the issue.
Which description identifies a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? A. The government gave too much power to the executive branch. B. The government gave too much power to the states. C. The government solved only national problems. D. The government solved only economic problems.
B. The government gave too much power to the states.
The passage below is from a historical document. "He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures." What constitutional power was inspired by this passage? A) The president has the power to make treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate. B) Congress has the power to declare war and raise and support armies C) The government can quarter soldiers during times of war and peace D) The president has the sole power to declare war.
B) Congress has the power to declare war and raise and support armies
If Alberto from Costa Rica wishes to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, which of the following situations would make him eligible? A.He is 20, has legally resided in the United States for three years, and knows the history of the United States. B.He is 12, has legally resided in the United States for most of his life, and is able to speak and read English. C. He is 18, has resided in the United States for seven years, and is able to speak and read English. D.He is 16, is able to speak and read English, and knows the history of the United States.
C. He is 18, has resided in the United States for seven years, and is able to speak and read English.
What does of presidential campaign advertisement symbolize when it shows a candidate visiting a theme park? A. Voters can understand the candidate's policies. B. Voters can relate to the candidate. C. The candidate has leadership qualities. D. The candidate is a taxpayer.
B. Voters can relate to the candidate.
The scenario below describes a safety issue. A school bus stop is located on a city street with no crosswalk. Most of the students who are picked up at the bus stop live on the opposite side of the street, requiring them to cross a busy intersection to get to their bus. What is the most effective strategy for getting the bus stop moved? A. speaking to a school board member B. speaking to the bus driver C. writing letters to the governor D. writing letters to the mayor
A. speaking to a school board member
What is the direct impact of Thomas Paine's Common Sense? A. It generated support for the Declaration of Independence. B.It convinced the states to finally ratify the Constitution. C. It inspired the writing of the Articles of Confederation. D.It influenced the writing of the Mayflower Compact.
A. It generated support for the Declaration of Independence.
Which of the following would be a long-term public policy goal? A. Reduce taxes on business earnings to attract more investment. B. Build a private skate park for a neighborhood and charge admission. C. Organize a one-time festival to attract tourists and earn a profit. D.Provide bicycles to reduce traffic during a busy tourist event.
A. Reduce taxes on business earnings to attract more investment.
Which type of law is used to resolve disputes between Congress and the President? A. civil B. constitutional C. criminal D. military
B. constitutional
Which form of government is based on popular sovereignty? A. communism B. dictatorship C. monarchy D. democracy
D. democracy
The scenario below is an example of a legal dispute. A private company makes a contract with the school board to repair all the student bathrooms. The repairs are not finished on time. Which type of law could be used to resolve the dispute? A. civil B. military C. juvenile D. constitutional
A. civil
Which of the following occurred as a result of the decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803)? A. The U.S. Supreme Court has played an insignificant role in interpreting the U.S. Constitution. B. The U.S. Supreme Court power of judicial review was concretely established. C. A law cannot be thrown out if it violates the U.S. Constitution. D. The concept of checks and balances was defeated.
B. The U.S. Supreme Court power of judicial review was concretely established.
In Florida, if parents have a concern about their child's education, which officials would they contact? A. their county school board representative B. their congressional representative C. the governor of their state D. the mayor of their city
A. their county school board representative
The statement below was written by Baron de Montesquieu in 1748. "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body...,there can be no liberty." Which constitutional principle reflects this statement? A. separation of powers B. individual rights C. rule of law D. federalism
A. separation of powers
What is the responsibility of appellate courts? A. to start the jury trial process over again B. to decide if the lower court made errors C. to provide the final verdict in a trial D. to interview the witnesses in a case
B. to decide if the lower court made errors