Western Expansion
World War I
World War II
Cold War Era
This Sioux developed the "Ghost Dance" that the army believed was used to start a Native American uprising, resulting in the Battle of Wounded Knee
Who was Wovoka?
This person revealed the abuses of the Standard Oil Trust.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
This was sent to the German Embassy in Mexico promising to help Mexico win back the land the United States had acquired as a result of the Mexico-American War.
What is the Zimmermann Telegram?
The top-secret endeavors of developing the atomic bomb.
What is the Manhattan Project?
This policy stated that the United States would not hesitate to aid any country in the Middle East that asked for help resisting communist aggression.
What is the Eisenhower Doctrine?
This tribe was led by Chief Joseph and was forced out of their Oregon Territory and into reservation in Oklahoma.
Who were the Nez Perce?
Jane Addams opened this in Chicago to serve as a center from which poor immigrants and workers could help.
What is the Hull House?
This person was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in the "Black Hand".
Who was Archduke Francis Ferdinand?
This was signed by Adolf Hitler and Soviet Leader, Joseph Stalin. They promised not to attack each other.
What is the Nonaggression Act?
This policy stressed the easing of tensions between the Soviet Union and United States through negotiations and compromises.
What was detente?
Passed by Congress to assimilate Native Americans into the United States culture, but was a huge failure.
What is the Dawes Act?
This was signed by William Howard Taft in order to expand the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate telephone and telegraph rates.
What is the Mann-Elkins Act?
The Bolsheviks took over Russia and established a communist regime. They were under the leadership of this person.
Who was Vladimir Lenin?
This act passed by Congress in March of 1941 allowed the president to send aid to any nation whose defense was considered vital to the US's national security.
What was the Land-Lease Act?
This was formed due to the fear of the spread of communism.
What was the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?
Called for unlimited coinage of silver, government regulation of railroads and industry, a graduated income, and a number of election reforms.
What is the Omaha Platform?
What president signed the Clayton Antitrust Act that served to make strikes, peaceful picketing, and boycotts legal.
Who is President Woodrow Wilson?
This was passed by Congress authorizing a draft of young men for military service.
What is the Selective Service Act?
This was established by President Roosevelt and redirected raw materials and resources from the production of civilian goods to the production of materials needed for waging war.
What was the War Production Board?
This person wrote a book called The Feminine Mystique and founded the Nation Organization for Women (NOW).
Who was Betty Friedan?
This person was nominated by the Democratic party and backed bimetallism. He made his famous "Cross of Gold" speech in the Democratic Convention.
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
These people formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Who are W. E. B. DuBois and Ida Wells-Barrett?
This was set up by Woodrow Wilson and was led by Goerge Creel. It's purpose was to encourage public support for the US war effort.
What is the Committee on Public Information (CPI)?
This Japanese American unit served so valiantly in Europe that it became the most decorated unit in US history.
What was the 442nd Infantry?
This resolution gave the president the authority to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the Unites States..."
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?