Economic Issues
Expansion of democracy, Reform of big business, workplace reforms, and social welfare reforms are all developments that took place in this time period.
What is the Progressive Era?
The United States took the Philippines from Spain to use as a base for expanding U.S. trade with China. This action showed that economic issues were a factor in this war.
What is the Spanish-American War?
This act encouraged settlement and farming on the Great Plains in 1862.
What is the Homestead Act?
The French, British, United States, and the Soviet Union did this to Germany following World War II in order to keep a better watch over the people and government.
What is Germany was divided into four occupation zones?
These TWO regions have seen the most immigration to the United States since the 1960s.
What is Asia and Latin America.
The existence of the "flapper" indicated the changing role of women in this era.
What is the Roaring 20s?
This plan was created in order to maintain peace after WWI. (hint: it was set forth by a United States president)
What is Wilson's Fourteen Points?
Economic developments of the late 1800s, expansion of American industry, elimination of competition, and the growth of monopolies and trusts ALL of the above developments are a result of what economic doctrine
What is the doctrine of laissez-faire?
This action was undertaken largely to combat the spread of communism following WWII.
What is the Marshall Plan?
This president is best known for his actions to preserve natural areas, protect wildlife species, and the creation of national parks.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
This era of U.S. history is defined by the same identifying characteristics of the WWI and WWII eras.
What is the Vietnam War Era?
This technology was MOST responsible for the stalemate on the Western Front during WWI.
What is the machine gun?
This is a consequence that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has had for the United States.
What is the loss of manufacturing jobs in some U.S. industries?
This was the most important contribution women made to the nation's war effort during WWII and occurred due to the large numbers of men serving in the military.
What is entering the workforce?
The use of the term "continental United States" when referring to the nation's geography, became necessary after statehood was granted to this state.
What is Hawaii?
The Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the Domino Theory, and Containment are all characteristics of U.S. involvement in this era.
What is the Cold War Era?
This president sent U.S. troops to intervene in a civil war in the Balkins.
Who is Bill Clinton?
Stronger military, tax cuts, budget cuts, and less government are commonly known by this name. (hint: they were reforms under president Reagan)
What is Reaganomics?
This WWII general is described by the following list: -Commander of Allied forces in North Africa. -Supreme commander of U.S. forces in Europe. -Commander of the D-Day invasion of France
Who is Dwight Eisenhower?
In 1896, Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan ran on a platform heavily influenced and shaped by the platform of this party.
What is the Populist Party?
This person is generally considered to be the founder of the nation's modern conservative movement.
Who is Barry Goldwater?
This war resulted from Iraq's invasion of neighboring Kuwait.
What is the Persian Gulf War?
The plight of migrant workers who fled the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains during the Great Depression was the subject of this book.
What is John Setinbeck's novel "The Grapes of Wrath"
This battle, won by the U.S. was significant because it enabled U.S. forces to take the offensive against Japan.
What is the Battle of Midway?
The main effect of low gasoline prices and plentiful supplies of oil in the 1950s.
What is the growth of suburbs?