Literature Terms to Know
Context vocabulary
"The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls"
Constructive Response
Words in literature that appeal to our five senses.
What is imagery.
"The team’s uniforms were immaculate before the game, but by the end of the first half they were filthy" Define: immaculate.
What is "perfectly neat, clean, and tidy".
The answer to question 24.
What is "A".
What does the "S" in "RAPS" stand for? Explain.
What is "So-what?" This is where you connect your proof to your answer in a logical way.
Correct this sentence: Their is about two and a half million building custodians in the United States, many of who earn more then 10 dollars per hour.
What is There are about 2.5 million building custodians in the United States, many of whom earn more than $10 per hour.
This is something tangible that stands for something abstract.
What is a symbol.
"Her predicament presented her with the same difficult situation she had faced years ago, when her family moved for the first time." Define: predicament.
What is "a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation".
The answer to question 26.
What is What is "D".
Rephrase the following question like you are beginning a constructive response: How does the use of language in Longfellow's poem, "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls", help develop the theme of the poem?
What is "In Longfellow's poem, "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls," his use of language helps develop the theme."
Correct this sentence: Julio's favorate kind of dog is the german shepherd because his dad has one Carmen's favorate is the beagle because her grandmother and grandfather's dog is a beagle.
What is Julio's favorite kind of dog is the German shepherd because his dad has one. Carmen's favorite is the beagle because her grandmother and grandfather's dog is a beagle.
This is what the author wants you to "get" from the story and is universally understood and related to.
What is theme.
"If you’ve ever gone on a blind date, you’ve probably experienced that moment of trepidation just before you meet your date for the first time." Define: trepidation.
What is "a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen".
The answer to question 27.
What is "B".
The "A" in RAPS stands for "answer". Answer the following question for the following constructive response question: How does the use of language in Longfellow's poem, "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls", help develop the theme of the poem?
What is Answers will vary (teacher discretion).
Correct this sentence: The 10 story Home Insurance Company Building in Chicago which was completed in 1885 was the worlds first skyscraper.
What is The ten-story Home Insurance Company Building in Chicago, which was completed in 1885, was the world's first skyscraper.
When the opposite of what is expected to happen happens.
What is situational irony.
"Her words were very incoherent, and I could't quiet understand what she was trying to say." Define: incoherent.
What is "not clear".
The answer to question 30.
What is "C."
The P in RAPS stands for "proof". Find two pieces of proof to back up your answer for the following constructive response question: How does the use of language in Longfellow's poem, "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls", help develop the theme of the poem?
What is Answers will vary (teacher discretion).
Correct this sentence: Some vegetarians eat fish but they refuse meet from mammals some vegetarians eat milk and eggs some eat only fruits and vegtables and some eat only raw fruits and vegtables.
What is Some vegetarians eat fish, but they refuse meat from mammals. Some vegetarians eat milk and eggs, some eat only fruits and vegetables, and some eat only raw fruits and vegetables.
What the story is mainly about.
What is central idea.
"I was not concerned with what her opinion was, because she has always been extrinsic to our group." Deine: extrinsic.
What is "irrelevant and on the outside".
The answer to question 31.
What is "D".
The "S" in RAPS stands for "so-what?" in the following constructive response question, connect your proof to your answer in a logical way: How does the use of language in Longfellow's poem, "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls", help develop the theme of the poem?
What is Answers will vary (teacher discretion).
Correct the sentence: Los Angeles laker Kareem Adbul-Jabbar the highest scorer in the history of the nba racked up 38,387 points by the time he retires in 1989.
What is Los Angeles Laker Kareem Adbul-Jabbar, the highest scorer in the history of the NBA, racked up 38,387 points by the time he retired in 1989.