Taxonomy/Types of Cells
Human & Plant Systems
a.Name the trophic levels of the pyramid. b.Level with the MOST energy
What is a. Producer, Primary Con., Secondary Con., Tertiary Con b. Producers
Label the sequence as DNA or RNA a. A T G G C T A C b. A U U C G U A c. Two differences between RNA and DNA
What is a. DNA b. RNA c. DNA contains thymine and RNA contains Uracil. DNA is a double stranded helix, RNA single strand
List the 4 biomolecules
What is Protein, Lipids, Carbohydrates and Nucleic Acid
The main organelle that eukaryotic cells DO have that prokaryotic cells DON’T have
What is a nucleus
The gas that enters an animal cell for cellular respiration
What is oxygen
A. where an organism hunts and feeds on its prey B. interactions between 2 different organisms living near each other C. relationship where one organism benefits while the other is harmed D. two organisms fight for the same food, shelter or mate E. relationship where one organism benefits and the other is not affected F. relationship where both organisms benefit
What is predation symbiosis parasitism competition commensalism mutualism
a.What is the complementary DNA strand to the following DNA sequence after replication? T A C G C A b. What is the mRNA strand after transcription to this DNA sequence? T A C G T A
What is a. A T G C A b. U A C G U
The monomer of a lipid and its polymer
What is Fatty Acids, glycerol and triglycerides
Label each of the following as being either Eu (Eukaryotic) or Pro (Prokaryotic). a._____ Human cell b._____ Bacteria cell c._____ Tree d._____ Euglena
What is - Eu, Pro, Eu, Eu
Process that creates the product ATP energy
What is Cellular respiration
Essential for natural selection to result in a new species
What is Inherited Variation
Interphase includes what 3 phases as the first step of the cell cycle. What happens in each phase
What is G1- Cell Growth S- DNA replicates G2- Checkpoint
A. The 3 components of nucleic acid B.The type of bonds that hold nucleotides together in DNA
What is A.Phosphate group Sugar Nitrogenous Base B. Hydrogen
a.Non-living and needs a host to replicate b.Virus cycle that reproduces by replicating itself and bursting host cell and virus cycle that combines with host DNA and shows no symptoms and replicates only as cell goes through cell division.
What is a. Virus b. lytic and lysogenic cycles.
Type of cellular respiration that can create as many as 36-38 molecules of ATP
What is aerobic
As ecosystems move through the stages of succession, the population of organisms in them change. Describe the stage of succession likely to have the most species diversity
What is Anything demonstrating a climax community
Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase are all steps in the cell cycle where chromosomes in the nucleus line up, pull apart then divide into two identical copies.
What is Mitosis
The elements, monomer and polymer of proteins
What is CHON Amino Acids Polypeptide
Write the taxonomic groups in order after Domain
What is Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Dumb King Philip Cried Over Failing Grade Six or Dumb Kids Playing Cards On Freeway Get Smashed
A. System responsible for bringing food and oxygen to every cell in your body through your bloodstream. B. System responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of your body. C. System responsible for removing waste from your body. D. System responsible for producing offspring. E. These systems interact when you inhale and the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward, while other muscles draw the ribs outward.
What is A. Circulatory System B. What is respiratory System C. Excretory System D. Reproductive System E. Respiratory & Muscular System
The levels of Ecology in order from largest to smallest starting with Biosphere and ending with cells.
What is Biosphere, Biome, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism, Organs, tissue, Cells
16. Use the chart above. What is the peptide chain of the following? a.AUUCGU b. AGCUAC c. TACAGT
What is a. lle ,Arg b. Ser, Tyr c. AUGUCA- Met, Ser
A. The elements and their specific ratio in Carbohydrates B. List the monomer, polymer and an example
What is A. CHO - 1:2:1 ratio B. monosaccharide, polysaccharide and glucose
The cells walls of fungi
What is chitin
List the function of each part A.Peduncle B.Stamen C.Anther D.Pistil E.Sepal
What is A. Stalk of the flower B.male part of the flower, made up of anther and filament C. produces male gametes - pollen D.female parts of the flower, consisting of the stigma and the style E. external covering of flower bud