Native Americans
This trail was established to link Santa Fe to California and allowed for communication and trade.
What is a the Old Spanish Trail?
The Dine became great sheep ranchers in the Colorado Plateau region. They lived in Hogans until the US forced them to move to the Bosque Redondo when Kit Carson used his scorched earth policy. They are the largest tribe in NM.
What is the Navajo?
The system set up in our constitution that ensures that one Branch may not become more powerful than the other.
What is the System of Checks and Balances?
Spanish soldier, Settled NM, and claimed it for Spain. Brought materials and livestock to NM. Treated the Acoma Indians harshly… cut off left foot of those who fought against him.
Who is Don Juan de Onate?
War between the US and Mexico (April 1846-Feb 1848) resulting from the US’s annexation of Texas in 1845 and from a dispute from over whether Texas border was the Nueces River (Mexico’s claim) or the Rio Grande (US claim).
What is the Mexican American War?
A trail developed by Spain that connected Santa Fe with Mexico City that allowed for communication and trade
What is EL Camino Real?
Nomadic tribes who raided the Pueblos and the colonists. They lived in teepees and wickiups and were eventually forced to live on reservations.
What is the Apache?
The branch of government writes and passes the laws. It is bicamaeral.
What is the Legislative branch?
Pueblo people rebel against the Spanish for trying to make them change their religion and culture. They led a secret attack and cut off the Spanish water supply and the pueblo people won!
What is the Pueblo Revolt?
The Mexican American War ended in 1848 when Mexican and American officials signed the treaty. By signing the treaty, Mexico agreed to give up all of its land claims in Texas. Mexico also agreed to cede or hand over more than a third of its land to the US.
What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
This trade route allowed for trade between Missouri and Santa Fe. The trail brought people, products, and information to Santa Fe
What is the Santa Fe Trail
An attempt by the US to teach the Navajo Children to accept white culture.
What is a Navajo Boarding School?
The branch of government that executes the laws. Donald Trump is the head of this Branch.
What is the Executive Branch?
Leader of the Pueblo Revolt, wanted to restore Pueblo Culture, led pueblo people to victory.
Who is Pope'?
Mexico agreed to sell more than 29 million acres of land to the US, including the Mesilla Valley, to the US for $10 Million. Acquiring this good farmland was not the only reason the US wanted more land from Mexico. Some Americans wanted to build a railroad linking California to the rest of the US.
What is the Gadsden Purchase?
The main trade center where all of the trails in NM connected to.
What is Santa Fe?
Led by Kit Carson, the Navajo people were forced to walk to a reservation near Fort Sumner. Many died along the way, many more died at the reservation.
What is the Navajo Long Walk?
The branch of government of government that determines if a law has been broken or if it is legal.
What is the Judicial Branch?
This person sailed the ocean blue in 1492?
Who is Christopher Columbus?
An irrigation canal. (Water canal)
What is an Acequia?
A series of trails that connected the pueblos at Chaco canyon but also allowed the pueblo to trade with people all the way by the ocean. (seashells)
What is the Great North Road?
The Apache, Comanche, and Ute tribes in the Great Plains Region tamed the horses that the Spanish brought to the Western Hemisphere. They became expert/tough horsemen. The railroad and the Americans caused harm to these cultures.
What is Great Plains horse culture?
This person is the head of the Executive Branch in NM
Who is Susana Martinez?
Peacefully re-conquered NM for Spain after the Pueblo Revolt. Agreed to forgive the Pueblo people for revolting. Re-established Spain as the leader of all NM.
Who is Don Diego de Vargas?
A historical name in the US for the region of the modern day southwestern US that Mexico ceded to the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
What is the Mexican Cession?