What change needs to be made to this sentence -
Only a very few teens say that using social media has a negative effect on how they feel about themselfs; many more say it has a positive effect.
Change themselfs to themselves
What change need to be made in this sentence -
(2) Young adults with few responsibilities other than college courses, organizational issues, and maybe a few hours of work to earn spending money be becoming a shrinking demographic on many college campuses
Change be to are
How should sentence (2) be changed?
(2) The study, done in partnership with The Dallas Morning News, finds that Dallas voters between the ages of 23 and 35 was more likely to participate in certain local races if they had been targeted by internet ads promoting election news coverage and election reminders.
Change was to were
What needs to be changed in this sentence -
In 2012, about half of all teens still said their favorite way to communicate with friends were in person; today less than a third say so.
Change were to was
What change needs to be made to this sentence -
(2) The making of copper tools initiated a spectacular growth in human technology. It was key in the birth of other technologies, cities and the first great civilizations
Insert a comma before and
What change needs to be made to sentence (1)?
(1) This study looks at the relationship between screen time and depression rates in 506,820 adolescants in the U.S. between 2010 and 2015.
Change adolescants to adolescents
How should this sentence be changed -
In 1961 Professor Richmond from Oxford university discovered a pit that had been dug by the Romans in AD 89.
Change university to University
How can the author improve the clarity of sentence 3?
(3) The pyramids of Egypt are an example of what became possible once there where copper tools.
Change where to were
What change needs to be made to sentence (5)?
(4) The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of Twitter during Hurricane Sandy (2012) to spread fake images about the disaster. (5) They identified 10,350 unique tweets containing fake images that were circulated on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy. (6) We performed a characterization analysis, to understand the temporal, social reputation, and influence patterns for the spread of fake images
Change They to We
What change needs to be made in the sentence (9) -
(8) The legion of five thousand men occupied the region for six years before retreating and, in the process, abandoning their fort. (9) You made great efforts to leave behind nothing that could help their enemies. (10) They smashed all food and drink containers and burned the fort to the ground.
Change You to They
How should sentence 1 be changed?
(1) Group culture is one of the most powerful forces on the Planet.
What is change Planet to planet?
What change, if any, should be made in sentence 22?
(22) I cannot imagine that a concert at Carnegie hall would have been any better.
Change hall to Hall.
What spelling correction is needed in sentence 12 -
(12) In the ashes were the steel nails that had held the fort together, and they were far to valuable to be left to the tribes that had driven them out.
to to too
What change needs to be made in this sentence -
(1) The great depression greatly exacerbated and highlighted the depths of hunger in America.
Change great depression to Great Depression
What change is needed in sentence 1?
(1) Decade’s ago vinyl records provided music lovers with a way to enjoy recorded music.
What is change Decade’s to Decades?