Literary Elements
The tornado ran through town without a care.
What is Personification
I love walking in the park, I'm always reminded of walks with my grandmother.
What is "I love walking in the park; I'm always reminded of walks with my grandmother".
Katie was a great student, _____ the loss of her grandmother caused her grades to suffer a. although b. however c. despite
What is however.
Although it is cold outside she likes to run outside.
What is "Although it is cold outside, she likes to run outside".
I will answer every answer on the EOC an assessment I must complete soon correctly
What is "I will answer every answer on the EOC, an assessment I must complete soon, correctly".
Tim’s took tons of tools to make toys for tots.
What is Alliteration
She had studied weeks for the test she felt calm and prepared.
What is "She had studied weeks for the test; she felt calm and prepared".
_____ the rain, the Devils still won their game. a. However b. During c. Despite
What is Despite
I am as you probably notice very nervous about this presentation
What is "I am, as you probably notice, very nervous about this presentation".
When I asked my sister to buy candy, she said no. ____, no one will receive candy.
What is "As a result".
Words are the weapons with which we wound.
What is Metaphor
I was talking to her on the phone today, and I was talking on the phone to him yesterday.
What is "I was talking to her on the phone today; I was talking on the phone to him yesterday".
He prefers to socialize with his "friends" ____ completing his homework a. but b. in spite of c. rather than
What is rather than.
On Valentine's Day Alex who expected many roses did not receive one flower
What is "On Valentine's Day, Alex, who expected many roses, did not receive one flower".
The reason a zipper is called a zipper is because of the zip noise it makes.
What is Onomatopoeia
The letter "A" in The Scarlet Letter.
What is Symbolism
He wanted to go to the movie, she wanted to go to the art museum.
What is "He wanted to go to the movie; she wanted to go to the art museum".
I do not want to go to prom with you. ____ thanks for asking me. a. But b. Nonetheless c. Although
What is nonetheless.
Even though this seems really easy I still answer comma questions incorrectly on the EOC.
What is "Even though this seems really easy, I still answer comma questions incorrectlya on the EOC".
George Orwell's essay "Shooting an Elephant" is about a rampaging elephant; and Orwell's decision to shoot this elephant. Is this semicolon used correctly?
What is incorrect.
Her face blossomed when she caught a glance of him.
What is Imagery
On the cruise we'll have to go through: Atlanta, Georgia, Dallas, Texas, and Charleston, North Carolina.
What is "On the cruise, we'll have to go through; Atlanta, Georgia, Dallas, Texas, and Charleston, North Carolina.
Alexander Graham Bell believed in oral education for deaf children. This is ____ Edward Minor Gallaudet who believed in using American Sign Language to educate deaf children. a. despite b. in comparison to c. in contrast to
What is in contrast to
If this still seems difficult you should ask Mrs. Douglas the best English teacher in the 10th grade any questions you may have
What is "If this still seems difficult, you should ask Mrs. Douglas, the best English teacher in the 10th grade, any questions you may have".
I was surprised his nose was not sticking out like Pinocchio's.
What is allusion