Great Depression
Cold War
Civil Rights

Due to xenophobia and nativism, the following two immigrants were put to death for a crime that they likely did not commit.

Sacco and Vanzetti


October 29, 1929 is also known by this name.

What is Black Tuesday?


Set of laws passed in the late 1930s that stripped Germany Jews of their citizenship and most of their rights.

What are Nuremberg Laws?


The race to space resulted in the Soviet Union launching the first successful satellite that became known as... 

What is Sputnik?


Became known as the court case that decreed "separate but equal," legalizing Jim Crow laws.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


The expansion of this terrorist group occurred in the early 1920s, during which time it targeted African Americans, communists, immigrants.

What is the KKK?


The action taken by wealthier Americans in the 20s, borrowing money from banks in order to buy stocks.

What is margin buying?


This major amphibian landing in Western Europe turned the tide for the Allies against Germany in 1944.

What is the Battle of Normandy/Dday?


Term used by the United States to describe stopping the spread of communism.

What is containment?


This Supreme Court case that overturned the decision in 1896, desegregating public schools.

What is Brown v. The Board of Education?


The Volstead Act, also known as this amendment, became the first amendment to ever be repealed.

What is the 18th Amendment, Prohibition?


Texas and Oklahoma and the entire Great Plains region suffered years of overproduction, poor crop rotation, years of drought, and then dust storms.

What is the dust bowl?


Converting factories into defense plants and mobilizing the peace-time economy was the responsibility of this WWII government agency.

What is the War Productions Board?


Man who led the witch-hunt against suspected communists in Hollywood and government.

Who is Joseph McCarthy?


The law, signed by Lyndon B. Johnson, outlawed segregation and discrimination in all public spaces and workplaces. 

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


This teacher began teaching Darwinism, going against Christian fundamentalism and tradition.

Who is John T. Scopes?


Unlike Hoover, FDR proposed this plan which used the Federal Government to help alleviate some of the major problems caused by the Depression.

What is the New Deal?


Term used to describe the United States tactic of conquering each individual island in the Pacific.

What is island hopping?


The Western European nations combined with the United States, Canada and Iceland joined to create this military alliance. 

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO?)


This young leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) coined the phrase "Black Power."

Who is Stokely Carmichael?


This type of buy now, save later plan allowed many Americans to buy the new gadgets of the 20s using credit. 

What is an Installment Plan?


At the end of WWI, the United States moved from a booming wartime economy to a peacetime economy, known as this process.

What is demobilization?


This type of government and ideology led to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini in Europe.

What is fascism?


Institution created by the United States to spy on enemy nations and conduct covert operations abroad.

What is the CIA?


This man led the SCLC March on Washington 1963 for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

Who is Martin Luther King, jr?