Thesis Statements
Parts of Speech
Expository, Persuasive, or Narrative
Revising and Editing
An essay with the thesis statement "Kelly is my best friend because she is always there for me and has a great sense of humor" will have _______ body paragraphs.
What is 2
Find the verb: Sam told them two jokes.
What is told
Write a story about a time you helped someone.
What is narrative
While Hammurabi’s code aimed to protect individual right’s, its interpretation of justice was extremely severe, with death or physical punishment serving as the most common consequence for a crime. A Change right’s to rights B Change its to it’s C Change the comma after severe to a semicolon D Change consequence to consequense
What is A
The first sentence of each body paragraph. Tells the reader the main idea of each paragraph.
What is topic sentence
Thesis statements should be written using the "mathematical equation" _____________.
What is x because y
Find the nouns (2): Harry has a magic wand.
What is Harry and wand
Write an essay explaining why hard work is necessary to be successful.
What is expository
From about 1792 B.C. to 1750 B.C., he reigned from the capitol city of Babylon, along the banks of the Euphrates River. A Change the comma after 1750 B.C. to a semicolon B Change reigned to reined C Change capitol to capital D Make no change
What is C
Words with similar meanings.
What is synonym
The thesis statement tells the reader ___________.
What is the main idea of the essay
Find the article: There is never any food in the house.
What is the
Write an essay stating your position on whether you believe that we live in an information age or an interruption age.
What is persuasive
Just as our legal system does not tolerate theivery, neither did the Code of Hammurabi. A Change does not tolerate to did not tolerate B Change theivery to thievery C Change the comma to a semicolon D Sentence 16 does not need to be changed.
What is B
The individual or group of individuals for whom you are writing.
What is audience
The thesis statement is the _______ sentence of the first paragraph.
What is last
Find the verb: On Wednesdays, I walk three miles to the movie theater.
What is walk
Write an essay explaining why reading is an important skill to develop.
What is expository
When he heard about the opening for a new band director at our school he couldn’t help investigating. A Insert a comma after school B Change couldn’t to couldn’t hardly C Change investigating to investigatting D No change should be made in sentence 7.
What is A
Words that help the reader understand the relationship between words, sentences, and paragraphs.
What are transitions
Write an essay explaining whether flexibility is the sign of a strong leader.
What is "Flexibility is/is not the sign of a strong leader because..."
Find the adverb: The desert was so hot and desolate, but we had plenty of water with us to survive.
What is so
Write an essay stating your position on whether you believe it is important to put the needs of others over your own needs.
What is persuasive
He combined his thirst for excellence with a compasionate, caring heart. A Change He combined to Combining B Change excellence to excellent C Change compasionate to compassionate D Make no change
What is C
The feeling or attitude expressed by words.
What is tone