Writing Process
Cleaning Up English
Figurative Language
Character vs. Personality

A conclusion paragraph should do all of the following except ____.

a. provide the reader something to think about after he or she has finished reading

b. restate the thesis to remind the reader of the “big picture”

c. review the main points in a brief summary

d. suggest a new topic or idea not previously mentioned in the text

d. suggest a new topic or idea not previously mentioned in the text

The conclusion paragraph is the place to wrap things up and bring a sense of closure to the reader. It is not a time to mention new ideas or offer new evidence.


Which of these word lists contains only real words?

a.  herself, gonna, library

b. chimney, alot, themselves, Ima

c. a lot, supposedly, himself, library

d. supposably, theirselves, regardless, chimbley

c. a lot, supposedly, himself, library 

Only this list has all correctly spelled “real” words. The other lists include at least one misspelled “nonword.” These are not actually words: irregardless, alot, Ima, gonna, supposably, theirselves, and chimbley.


The waves danced across the seashore is an example of...



These come at the beginning of a word



Helps you determine what is right and wrong...



A thesis statement’s purpose is to ____.

a. introduce the topic of the text; the reader will need to know what the subject of the text is in order to understand what he or she is reading about

b. hook the reader into wanting to keep reading the text; the writer uses it to engage the reader

c. provide an anchor for the rest of the text; it is the writer’s main claim about the topic and everything in the text should link back to it

d. give a sense of conclusion to the text; it is a way for the writer to succinctly summarize the main points of his or her essay

c. provide an anchor for the rest of the text; it is the writer’s main claim about the topic and everything in the text should link back to it

The thesis statement, which is the writer’s interpretation or claim made about the subject he or she has already introduced. Everything in the text should somehow connect back to the thesis statement.


The job of students and teachers at RHSA are to grow no matter where you start. 

How is are correctly written?

A. have been

B. As it is

C. is

D. were

C. is

Generally, “are is used for singular objects and “is” is used for plural objects. 

The job is the noun. Singular object.


Boom! Pow! Slap! are all example of...



These go at the end of the word...



Fill in the blank: _____________ is important in terms of how I interact with others and how they interact with me.



If you are reading a text that starts with events happening in the 1940s, then the 1950s, and then the 1960s, it is probably organized in ____ order.

a. advantage and disadvantage

b. cause and effect

c. chronological

d. spatial

c. chronological

Chronological order is putting events in order of time, usually from the earliest to the most recent.


Which of these sentences contains a misused word?

a. Luke is taller than Zach.

b. Sasha has to pick up her dry cleaning, then stop at the grocery store.

c. It’s better to try and to fail than never to try at all.

d. Lance likes apples better then oranges.

d. Lance likes apples better then oranges.

Then shows passage of time; than indicates a comparison. When the sentence compares Lance’s fruit preference, it requires the comparing word than, not the time-passing then.


Life is a box of chocolates is an example of...



The prefix non- means...



What you notice right away in a person...



If you are reading a text in which the author is trying to convince you to see things the same way he or she does, it is probably ____.

a. email

b. argumentative

c. informative

d. persuasive

d. persuasive

Persuasive writing tries to win over the reader and convince him or her to view an issue in a particular way.


Which of these sentences correctly uses the pronoun me?

a. Me and Kar went to the movies last night.

b. Chad, Mikey's, and me like to play basketball.

c. You should text Brian or me if you have any questions.

d. I consider me a hard-worker.

c. You should text Brian or me if you have any questions.

With sentences that include multiple people, test whether to use I or me by taking out the other person(s) and see what sounds right.


Sindy sells seashells by the seashore is an example of...



The suffix -less like in "heartless" means what?



Fill in the blank: My _____________ is a combination of values that I have gathered since birth...



The first thing you should do when you are asked to “write to a prompt” is ____.

a. start planning your evidence and examples

b. write a thesis statement that you can use to anchor all of the other ideas in your response

c. dissect the prompt and figure out what you are being asked to do

d. brainstorm a list of ideas that come to mind when you think of the assigned topic

c. dissect the prompt and figure out what you are being asked to do.

The first thing you should do is to dissect the prompt so that you know exactly what you are supposed to do and what is required in your response.


Which sentence does not correctly use one of the commonly confused words?

a. Don’t lose these directions or we’ll never be able to assemble this blender.

b. Mary has fewer crayons then Mannie.

c. Engaging in illicit behavior will soon land you in trouble.

b. Mary has fewer crayons then Mannie.

The word fewer is used correctly, but the comparison word should be than and not then.


I have told you a million times not to do that.



True or False: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of the word



Name 3 of the 6 "places" that character comes from

Any of these three will be accepted:




Family Values

