Persuasive Essay
Word Choice

What does a thesis statement need?

A claim and two reasons.


"The race proved that Lee was a more fast runner than Bob."

In this sentence, how should "more fast" be written?



Which form of to/too/two means "excessive/also"?



Place the commas: "I went to lunch with my mother brother and cousin."

"I went to lunch with my mother, brother, and cousin."

When is your multiple choice SOL? 

Tuesday, March 12


Based off of this thesis statement, what order would I write my body paragraphs in?

"The minimum driving age should remain 16 because many teens participate in extracurriculars, parents cannot always provide transportation, and teens gain more experience under parent oversight."

1) teens participate in extracurriculars

2) parents cannot always provide transportation

3) teens gain more experience


How is "respond" correctly written in this sentence?

"If each of Mrs. Glasworthy's former students respond to this request, the volume of letters presented to her will be large, but she deserves nothing less."



Which there/their/they're is the possessive form?



Place the commas: "While I was in the kitchen the dog threw up."

"While I was in the kitchen, the dog threw up."


Identify the error in this sentence.

"Riverside was incorperated in 1875 and thereby became an official township."



What is the most important thing to remember when writing a persuasive essay?

To choose 1 side and stick with it!!!


Which word best replaces "put" in the sentence below to make the meaning precise?

"In other words, they put their messages into secret codes."

1) turned

2) made

3) arranged

4) translated

5) developed

4) translated


Affect or effect: This game will ________ your chances of doing well on the SOL test.



Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: "Before I leave for school I brush my teeth after that I eat breakfast"

"Before I leave for school, I brush my teeth; after that, I eat breakfast."


Fix the italicized error in this sentence: 

"The brochure recommends bringing the following items on every hike; a jacket, water, extra socks, and a map."

"every hike: a jacket,


Each body paragraph is about a reason; what else does each paragraph need?

Reasons and support


 A student is researching information about a famous code cypher. The best resource for information about how ciphering machines worked would be

1) a book titled "The Role of Science in the World Wars"

2) an article titled "Mathematicians' Contributions to Their Field"

3) a public lecture titled "Little Known Facts About American History

4) a documentary titled "How Technology Cracked the Codes in WWII"

4) a documentary titled "How Technology Cracked the Codes in WWII"

Identify the error: "I had to leave work early yesterday, it wasn't my fault."

run-on sentence/comma splice

"I had to leave work early yesterday. It wasn't my fault."


Fix this sentence with a semicolon: "I wanted to go to the movies, however, I was still grounded."

"I wanted to go to the movies; however, I was still grounded."


Which sentence is complete?

1) Wondered about those giant statues surrounding the mountain.

2) With several hours to spare before dinner time.

3) Today's topic of discussion deserves further attention.

4) Still waiting on others to return from their adventures.

5) Sheltering tourists from the sun, which seemed to grow larger.

3) Today's topic of discussion deserves further attention.


What are some things you can include in your essay that will help you score higher? 



Long words


Never attempt to touch a wild creature, as it may feel it has to defend themself. 

In sentence 34, how is "themself" correctly written?  



Fix the fragment: "Because he went to Taco Bell yesterday."

Responses will vary. (subject + verb + complete thought)


What kind of comma is bracketed in this sentence: I love to eat pies, sausage rolls[,] and bananas.

the Oxford comma


Esther is writing an informational article about hiking for her school newspaper. She decides to focus her article on hiking safety tips. 

Given the purpose of her article, which topic should Esther address? 

1) The history of recreational hiking 

2) Biographies of famous hikers 

3) Suggestions to help hikers avoid injury

4) A favorite hiking experience

3) Suggestions to help hikers avoid injury