Energy and Heat
Motion and Gravity
Electricity and Magnetism
Kinetic Theory and Solutions
What are the different kinds of potential energy?
Elastic potential, gravitational, and chemical.
Blood rushing from your head to your feet while quickly stopping when riding on a descending elevator.
What is an example of Newton's 1st Law of Motion?
An electric current flowing in one direction only.
What is direct current?
A saturated solution is one in which no more of the solute will dissolve at a specific temperature. An unsaturated solution is one in which more of the solute could dissolve at the same temperature. A supersaturated solution is when a solution which contains more solute than would normally dissolve at a certain temperature.
What is the difference between a saturated solution, a unsaturated solution, and a supersaturated solution?
Heat from a fire.
What is an example of radiation?
What are the different types of kinetic energy?
Rotational, translational, and vibrational.
Mike's car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas. Mike is trying to push the car to a gas station, and he makes the car go 0.05 m/s/s. Using Newton's Second Law, you can compute how much force Mike is applying to the car.
What is an example of Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?
A flashlight.
What is an example of direct current?
What are the characteristics of acids?
Acids taste sour. Acids react strongly with metals, generally with the evolution of hydrogen gas (Eg: Zn + HCl). Strong Acids are dangerous and can burn your skin. Acids change litmus red. Acids become less acidic when mixed with bases. An acid has Ph scale of under 7. A substance that reduces the pH of a solution. A substance that produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water
A pH of less than 7.
What is pH of acids?
Touching a stove and being burned.
What is an example of conduction?
If you throw a heavy ball or block away from your body, the force exerted will push back on you, possibly pushing you backward onto the ground.
What is an example of Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?
An electric current that reverses its direction many times a second at regular intervals, typically used in power supplies.
What is alternating current?
What are some examples of acids?
Lemon juice, soda, and vinegar.
A pH of more than 7.
What is the pH of bases?
Hot-air rising, cooling, and falling (convection currents.)
What is an example of convection?
What are balanced and unbalanced forces?
Balanced force: an equal force acting in opposite directions (in the end the total force acting on the body is 0). Unbalanced force: unequal forces acting on a body giving a net force of more than 0.
Room lights.
What is an example of alternating current?
What are the characteristics of bases?
Have a bitter taste, turn red litmus paper blue, and don't react with metals.
What is neutral on the pH scale?
The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles.
What is radiation?
Which type of force causes an object to change its motion (balanced or unbalanced?)
What are the three ways static charges and/or discharges occur? What are examples of each?
When your hair stands up after you take off your jacket, when you walk across a carpet and touch a doorknob, and touching a Van de Graaff generator.
What are some examples of bases?
Ammonia, Draino, and baking soda.
0 to 14.
What is the range of the pH scale?