What is an angle that is greater than zero degrees and less than 90 degrees
what is acute angle
The numbers being multiplied together to find a product
What is Factor
An inequality symbol that is placed between quantities indicating that the first quantity is less than the second quantity
What is less than symbol
How heavy an object is
What is weight
A unit of time that is equivalent to sixty minutes. One day is equivalent to twenty-four hours
what is Hour
An angle that is exactly 180 degrees
What is straight angle
An amount that is broken into equal size pieces that can have a value of less than one whole, equivalent to one whole, or greater than one whole. The numerator represents the number of equal parts, and the denominator represents the total parts needed to make one whole unit.
What is fraction?
A process in which specific steps are followed to find an answer
what is Sum
A unit of length in the metric system that is roughly equivalent to 39 inches. One meter is equivalent to one hundred centimeters
what is meter
A unit of time that is equivalent to sixty seconds. One hour is equivalent to sixty minutes
what is minute
What is an angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
What is Obtuse Angle
A model that uses area to represent the total amount of a fraction
An equality symbol that indicates that the quantities on each side are the same total amount
what is Equal Symbol
A unit of capacity in the metric system. One liter is equivalent to 1,000 milliliters and about the same as 34 ounces
what is liter
The amount of time something takes
what is elapsed time
What is an approximate amount
What is Estimate
When compared to the same whole, fractions that represent the same amount, even though they have different size pieces.
what is equivalent fraction
A symbol that is placed between two quantities indicating they have the same value
what is Equal
A unit of weight in the metric system that is equivalent to 2.20 pounds. One kilogram is equivalent to 1,000 grams.
What is kilogram
Data that uses numbers instead of words
what is Numerical Data
An amount that has not been calculated
what is Unknown Angle
A model that uses distance to represent the total amount of a fraction
what is Length ModelFraction
A process in which specific steps are followed to find an answer
what is algorithm
A system used for measuring length, weight and capacity
What is Metric system
A table that has three columns used to organize information
Elapsed Time- Three Column Table