EOG Question Stems
Literary Text
Informational Text
Random Skills

Read the question below. What is the question asking you to do?

"What does the word manipulate mean in paragraph 3?"

To define or explain the meaning of the word manipulate.


What is theme?

The moral, life lesson, or author's message of a piece of text. 

As used in paragraph 2, something is edible if it _______________

A. can safely be eaten 

B. looks very delicious 

C. seems much smaller in real life 

D. tastes good

A. can safely be eaten


According to the passage, what role does electricity play in our daily lives?

  • A. Cooking food
  • B. Operating televisions
  • C. Transforming medical treatment
  • D. All of the above

D. all of the above


When encountering a passage with comprehensive questions, what is the first thing you should do?

Read the Questions


Read the question below. What is the key term in the question and define its meaning?

What is the central idea of paragraph 4 of The Lamb of the Slaughter?

Central Idea. What the text is mostly about.


What does it mean to distinguish

Example: How does the author distinguish bats from whales and dolphins in paragraph 3?

Distinguish means to understand the difference between two or more things or ideas. 


The author’s primary purpose is to ____________

A. convince readers not to eat at fast food restaurants 

B. explain how fast food companies make their food look delicious in commercials

C. teach readers how to make delicious-looking food at home 

D. criticize fast food companies for lying about their products in commercials

B. explain how fast food companies make their food look delicious in commercials


Who is mentioned as the figure to whom we owe much of our modern use of electricity?

  • A. Faraday
  • B. Aladdin
  • C. The giant
  • D. Djinn
A. Faraday

How do you conduct a close reading to grasp a deeper understanding of a piece of text?



Read the question below. What is the question asking you to do? What key terms determine this?

How does paragraph 3 support the central idea?

The question is asking us to explain how paragraph 3 helps support what the text is mainly about. 

Key terms: How, Support, Central Idea


What does the term refine mean? 

Example: How does paragraph 3 refine a key concept in the text?

To improve an idea or method of something.


Based on information in the passage, it is most important for the lettuce and tomato used in a fast food hamburger commercial to ________________

A. have a great taste 

B. be the perfect shape and size 

C. appear natural 

D. look fresh

D. look fresh


What has electricity transformed in the medical field, according to the passage?

  • A. Industrial development
  • B. Transportation system
  • C. Medical treatment
  • D. Telegraph lines

C. Medical treatment


What is the acronym to use when analyzing characters within a piece of text?

STEAL: Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others, Actions, Looks


Read the question below. What is the question specifically asking the student to do? 

Which quote provides evidence to support the claim that the classification of bats is complex?

The question is specfically asking students to determine which answer choice provided sufficient (relevent) evidence to support the claim/statment that there are a complex classification of bats.


What does the term dilapidation mean in the sentence below? 

"Several houses on Larry's block had been foreclosed years ago. With no concerned homeowners to maintain these properties, these houeses have fallen into various states of dilapidation."

Dilapidation - the state of disrepair or damaging of property. 


Imagine that the author decides to change this passage so that it talks about a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger. Assume that the cheese goes directly on top of the hamburger patty. If the author wants to include a paragraph about how the food stylist designs the cheese and places it on the meat patty, this new paragraph would best fit into the passage ___________________________

A. between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 

B. between paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 

C. between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 

D. between paragraph 5 and paragraph 6

C. between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5


What is the analogy used to describe the speed of the wonders driven by electricity?

  • A. Aladdin’s djinn
  • B. The Tales from Arabian Nights
  • C. A giant
  • D. Telegraph lines

A. Alddin's djinn


List the different types of text structures.

Description, Sequence, Compare & Contrast, Problem & Solution, Cause & Effect


Read the question below. What is the key terms in the question? What steps should a student take in order to answer the question successfully?

"How does the author reveal the shortcomings that contribute to Pearson's accomplishments being overlooked today?"

Key terms: author, reveal, contribute, shortcomings, Pearson's accomplishments, overlooked

The student should look back in the text to find how the author described (or show/tell) the shortcomings that affected Pearson's accomplishments being overlooked (or unnoticed). 


What is the meaning of the term askance in the sentence below? 

As he got off the train to the city, the clever farm boy looked askance at the man with the cardboard sign claiming to be a wallet inspector.

with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval


According to the passage, fast food companies use things like glue and glycerin on hamburgers that appear in advertisements because 

I. no one actually has to eat the food used in the commercial 

II. it is important that people who see these advertisements would pay for the food being advertised 

III. filming a commercial or a print ad can take a very long time

A. l only 

B. I and II only 

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III

C. II and III only


What is the analogy used in the passage to describe electricity’s versatility?

  • A. Aladdin’s djinn
  • B. A giant from Arabian Nights
  • C. A reliable servant
  • D. A telegraph network
C. A reliable servant
Name the types of author's purposes.
PIE: Persuade, Inform, Entertain