Informational/ Argumentative

Pick out the incorrectly spelled word in the following sentence: In order to get the capital of North Carolina, you must drive along the highway for severral hours.

What is severral?


Find an example of a metaphor. What two things are being compared? 

What is guns and death?


What is the purpose of an informational writing?

What is to inform the reader about something?


What is the purpose of a narrative writing?

What is to tell a story?


Where did Mrs. Thompson go to college?

The University of Georgia


Please make the following two sentences into a COMPOUND sentence: I went to the bank. I did not have any money.

What is I went to the bank, and I did not have any money. 

What is the mood of the poem?

What is glorious AND scary/grim?


What is the purpose of argumentative writing?

What is to make a point, or to argue a claim?


Add a sensory detail to the following sentence:

I walked to school.  

What is I walked to school (hearing children laughing, smelling fresh flowers, seeing three blind mice, hitting the next button on the radio, eating my breakfast, etc.)?


What is Mrs. Thompson's dog's name? 



Does this sentence use commas properly? Destiny, Gigi, and Kamari all went camping in the woods but they didn't stay long because they were scared.

What is no? There should be a comma before but


Identify an example of a simile. What is being compared?

What is broken bodies and honey-comb?

When the Milestones test ask you to write an extended response about how many paragraphs are acceptable in Mrs. Thompson's eyes?

What is 4-5?

Give your best definition of point of view?

What is the character telling the story?


In Avengers Infinity War, what infinity stone does Thanos receive for killing his daughter Gamora?

What is the soul stone?


What is the best way to combine these two sentences? I like to shop. I went to the mall. 

What is I like to shop, so I went to the mall?


Using context clues, what does the word billowing most likely mean in line three, stanza 2?

What is waving, moving?


What is a claim? Where should your claim be in a argumentative essay?

What is an argument? What is clearly stated in the introduction?


Restate the following two sentences from Jayrin's point of view. 

When I walked into the classroom, Jayrin had his head down. I asked him what was wrong, but he did not respond to me. 

What is: When I walked into the classroom, I put my head down. I was exhausted from playing Fortnite all night, so I needed a nap? 


If you could make up a Fortnite dance move, what might that look like?

What is /../  \..\ (that is you waving your hands in the air like you just don't care)?


Find all 4 incorrectly spelled words and fix them in the following sentences: [Each automn brings a beginning to a new football season. Compettitors of all ages and sizes take the gridiron to clash on the feild of battle. They begin each season with hopes of a championship. United as a team, these warrriors are driven by heart, desire, and passion for the game.]

What is autumn, competitors, field, and warriors?


What is the thematic message of the poem?

What is that war should not be celebrated?


Informative or Argumentative prompt? 

The author of the poem "I Sing the Battle" writes from two different perspectives.  In an extended response, answer the following prompt:

Why do you believe the author included both perspectives? Which perspective do you agree with the most? Use evidence from the text to support your response. 

What is argumentative?


Conclude the story: 

Maleah and Ansley went to basketball practice. They could not believe what they saw!

What is: two of the players were in a fight, Coach Clay brought cake, the gym was trashed, etc.?


Hum the theme to Friends. 

What is hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm?