making a connection between what is said and not said in story.
What is inference?
problem that needs to be solved
problem & solution
comparison that doesn't use the words like or as. Example: The cat is a couch potato.
Word Parts - part at beginning of word
term used for made-up stories; imaginative and not true; many different kinds
to give a short version of what you read
What is summarizing?
looks at how things are alike and different
Word Parts - part at end of word
consists of written works about plot elements that did not really happen but could have happened in distant past.
Historial Fiction
What the text is all about
What is Main Idea
look at why something happened - reason why something happened and result
cause and effect
where and when story takes place
Main part of word
story that is typically set in future or outer space; often include inventions that are not yet possible
Science Fiction
facts, reasons, arguments and examples that help you understand the key point of the text
supporting details
Sequence of events (events in order from first to last)
Chronological Order
turning point of story; action of story is at it's highest.
found around the word, other words and phrases that help you figure out the meaning of a new word.
Context Clues
shorty story that teaches a lesson
tells you who is narrating the text; character in story or outsider. 1st, 2nd, 3rd but also refers to how narrator views topic.
Point of View
Tie-breaker Question: form of spoken language for a particular region, community or social group.
tells you who is narrating the text; character in story or outsider. 1st, 2nd, 3rd but also refers to how narrator views topic.
Point of View
What does this Root word mean? Bio
simple stories set in past which have animal, human or supernatural characters. Characters often solve problems.