Ratio & Proportions
Number System
Expressions & Equations
Statitistics & Probability
The unit rate in miles per minute if Franklin walked 1/2 mile in 8 1/2 minutes
What is 1/17 or 0.588
The numerical expression to represent a withdrawal of $45
What is -45
R is rental charges and D is days in the equation R=$0.50D, and you choose to rent a movie for 4 days.
What is $2
The circumference of a nickel with a diameter of 2cm
What is 6.28cm
The probability of choosing a red marble followed by another red marble (without replacement) if there are 5 white marbles, 8 red marbles, 7 yellow marbles and 4 green marbles in a container.
What is 7/69
The number of boys in a class if the girl to boy ratio is 9 to 4 and there are 65 students in the class.
What is 20
The distance from the top of Mt. McKinley to the bottom of Death Valley if Mt. McKinley is 20,320 feet above sea level and Death Valley is 282 feet below sea level
What is 20,602 feet
The value of the expression 30(-x) + -19(-x) when x = -25
What is 275
The surface area of a rectangular prism that is 7ft long, 5ft wide, and 2ft high
What is 118 ft squared
The probability that three students will like pizza if a school survey found that 9 out of 10 students like pizza
What is 729/1000
The percent increase in the cost of oranges if the price increased from 75 cents to 81 cents
What is 8%
The number of scoops of flour Jane needs if each scoop holds 1/4 cup and she needs 4 3/4 cups of flour
What is 19
An algebraic expression to show how much money Ally makes each week if Ally had $197 in her savings account before she was paid her weekly salary and her current starting balance is $429
What is $197 + N = $429
The hypotenuse of a triangle with legs of four inches and twelve inches (rounded to the hundredths place)
What is 12.65
The probability of choosing a ten, a nine, and an eight from a deck of 52 cards without replacement
What is 64/132600 or 16/33150 or 8/16575
The solution to the inequality -3x - 39 > 12
What is x < -17
The value of -2(3 + (1/4 + 2/3))
What is -7 5/6
The equivalent expression for 2(3x -2) + 4x + 8
What is 10x + 4
The area of the lawn that gets watered if a lawn sprinkler sprays water 5 feet in every direction as it rotates
What is 78.5 square feet
The probability that three students chosen at random got an A on a test if 5 out of 20 students got an A
What is 60/6840 or 1/114
The number of students enrolled at LRS if 476 students ride their bike to school and that number is 85% of the school enrollment.
What is 560
The difference between the temperature in the Sahara Desert at 136 degrees and the temperature in the Gobi Desert at -50 degrees
What is 186
The solution for the inequality 12 - 2x > 8
What is x < 2
The cost for putting carpet in a bedroom if the room is 4 yards by 5 yards and carpet costs $25 per square yard
What is $500
The probability of choosing a jack and then an eight from a deck of 52 cards if a card is replaced after being selected
What is 16/2704 or 1/169