Military Aircraft
What is the CC-115 Buffalo?
What is the CT-114 Tutor?
What is the Cessna 172?
What is the Cessna 182P?
What is the CC-177 (C-17) Globemaster III?
What is the CF-188 (CF-18) Hornet?
What is the Bombardier 415?
What is the Schweizer - SGS 2-33a Glider?
What is the CC-150 A310 Polaris?
What is the CH-147 Chinook?
What is the Piper PA-28 Cherokee?
What is the Bellanca Scout – 8GCBC?
What is the CC-144 Challenger?
What is the CH-149 Cormorant?
What is the Boeing 737?
What is the L19 Bird Dog - Cessna 305 (C305)?
What is the CC-130 Hercules?
What is the CP-140A Arcturus?
What is the Airbus A320?