What is a hook sentence?
A sentence that hooks, or reels, your reader into your essay.
Why do we use citations when we are writing?
To prevent plagiarism.
When do we use a or an?
An goes before a word that starts with a vowel. Use A for all other words.
Ex: An ocean, An apple
A paper bag, A lost puppy
What are FANBOYS?
500 bonus points if you can tell me what they stand for!
Coordinating Conjunctions
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
How long has the school been in operation?
30 years
What is a detail sentence?
A sentence that provides broad information about the topic of essay.
What is the definition of plagiarism?
Plagiarism is when you use someone else's words or ideas and pass them off as your own. It's not allowed in school, college, or beyond, so it's a good idea to learn the proper way to use resources, such as websites, books, and magazines.
What is a prefix?
Prefixes are one- to three-syllable affixes added to the beginning of a base word to slightly change its meaning
What is the Rule for The Big Three?
1-1-1 Doubling Rule
Drop the E Rule
Drop the Y and add an I
What is my favorite candy bar?
What is the definition of a supporting detail sentence?
This sentence adds more, in depth detail to the topic. There can be anywhere from 1-5 supporting detail sentences in a paragraph.
What does MLA stand for?
Modern Language Association
What is a root word?
A root word is the main part of the word, but CANNOT stand alone without a prefix or suffix.
Erupt- rupt is the root word.
What is inferencing? Why is it so important?
Inferencing is using what they already know to make a guess or conclusion about something that isn't directly stated. It is so important because it helps us deeply comprehend what we are reading.
What is my favorite color?
How many sentences AT A MINIMUM will make up each paragraph of your EoM?
How do you cite a book in your bibliography?
How do you cite it in your paragraph?
To cite a book in MLA format, you should list the author's last name, first name, followed by the book title in italics, the publisher, and the publication year, in the following format: Author Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Year
In a paragraph, you simply use the author's last name and page number.
What is a homophone?
Words that sound the same when we pronounce them but have different meaning. They may or may not be spelled differently.
Ex: Rose (the Flower) Rose (past tense of rise)
What are the parts of plot?
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Actions, Resolution
What is my favorite thing to do on the weekend?
Hike with my dogs
Why is it important to do the research and understand what you are writing about your topic?
How do you cite a website?
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title.” Website name, URL. Accessed Day Month Year
What is the definition of hyperbole and personification?
Hyperbole is using extreme exaggeration to describe something.
Personification gives a human like quality to an object or animal.
What is a protagonist? What is an antagonist?
The protagonist is the leading character or one of the major characters
Th antagonist is a character in a story who is presented as the main enemy or rival of the protagonist and is often depicted as a villain.
How do you spell my children's names?
Saoirse and Ronan