AYP is a part of NCLB where schools must meet expectations each year or will have consequences or could be considered a failing school. AYP stands for...
What is Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)?
Professional Organization in Georgia that sponsors FGE
What is PAGE?
What do teacher professional organizations or unions do
Legal services, fight for teacher’s rights/salaries/benefits
LRE stands for...
LRE is a requirement for schools to place SpEd students in a regular classroom or amongst non-SpEd students as much as possible throughout the school day.
Least Restrictive Environment?
Approves, denies, monitors teaching certificates and code of ethics
What is the GaPSC (Georgia Professional Standards Commission)?
standardized testing, closes the achievement gap, uses AYP (adequate yearly progress) to determine success
What is NCLB (No Child Left Behind)?
National organizations that have national unions for teachers (Hint: there are 2)
What is the AFT and NEA?
example of privatization
CCSD custodial, schools for profit
In place of the parent – schools’ responsibility to make legal decisions
What is loco parentis?
Counselor, Media Center Specialist, School Psychologist and Administration all require this degree or higher
What is a Masters degree?
Money for parents to move out of district or go to private school when a public school is not meeting AYP.
What is a voucher?
What is GAE (Georgia Association for Educators)?
three entities fund schools
Local, state, federal
Grants freedom of speech
What is the 1st Amendment?
3 examples of exceptional learners
What are ELL, Gifted, and SpEd?
type of school is run on a fixed contracted period of time and paid for by public school funds.
What is a Charter School?
What are the two Georgia professional organizations?
No excuses/exceptions, punishment must be given, doesn’t matter how big/small incident is
What is a zero-tolerance policy?
allows school enrollment/education for homeless
What is the McKinney-Vento Act?
Unrealistic expectations lead to ...
What is higher dropout rates?
Hiring an outside company to be in charge of something
What is privatization?
downside to being National Certified
Extensive requirements, costly
Difference between accommodation and modification
Accommodation- adapting to meet student, do NOT change curriculum
Modification- changing curriculum to meet students’ ability level
CTAE or Technical Trade Schools/Skills
What is vocational education?
Strict, lots of rules, dictator-like
What is authoritarian management style?