An inflammation in the bone is know as?
what is osteitis
what are the components of blood?
what is plasma, red and white blood cells, platelets
The muscle system is responsible for..
what is movement, posture, and heat protection
What does FDA stand for?
What is Food and drug administration
Briefly explain who the father of medicine is and how it contributed to the healthcare system.
What is Hippocrates and it revolutionized the field and opened so many doors.
Bones are a storage place for mineral such as?
what is calcium and phosphorus
what is O-
What are the main three types of muscle tissues?
What is skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
What does NPO stand for?
What is Nothing by mouth
What are the main functions of the skeletal system?
The longest, strongest bone in the body is?
what is sphenoid bone
The prothrombin in the blood-clotting process is dependent open?
what is Vitamin K
The muscle responsible for action in a single direction is called?
What is prime mover
What does USDHHS stand for?
In the cardiovascular system, how do veins differ from arteries?
What is veins- towards the heart; arteries: away from the heart
what is sphenoid bone
How does blood flow through the heart?
what is Right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium. Left ventricle aorta
How does the skeletal system interact with the muscle system?
What is tendons connect the skeletal system to the muscular system by attaching to the bone.
What does the acronym PASS stand for?
What is P-pull pin, A-aim at fire, S-squeeze handle, S-sweep at base of fire
What are the functions of the integumentary system?
What is protection, excretion, production, temperature regulation, etc.
The heel bone is known as?
what is calcaneus
To produce movement blood is classified as what type of tissue?
What is connective tissue
Maintain broad base of support, bend from hips and knees, hold objects close to you, use strongest muscles-shoulders, upper arms, hips and thighs
What is body mechanics
What does the CDC stand for and when was it founded?
What is the Centers for Disease control and founded in 1946
What disorder of the lymph system is consider malignancy?
What is Hodgkins disease