Roc Search
Candidate Best Practice
Other Interviews

What information is needed for a qualified Reference? 

Name, Company, title, phone & email


Who's the head of Tech Perm Delivery

Matt Berney


What's the quickest way to create a candidate in bullhorn?

Drag & drop the profile! 


What information do we need for a Qualified interview lead, ie. enough information to chase it

Where, When, what, who, how - 

Company, role title & contract or perm, stage in process, Manager name

 bonus points! "How'd you find that opportunity?"


Why do we need references even before an interview? 

Further qualify the candidates experience to get them an interview faster; Processes can move quickly! We want references ready to go


What are the 3 markets we specialize in? 

AI/ML, Cyber, & Civil Eng


You found an incredible candidate on dice/LinkedIn! Before we call, what do we do? 

Are they in any interviews with my team?
Check bullhorn! 


Why do we need to know where they're interviewing? 

We cant represent them to companies they're already in process with // helps us understand what they'll be good for // helps us understand what we're competing with


We're aiming for References that are in a management position or above - how can we respond to "Can I give my colleague as a reference?"

You *can* - this role is reporting to a manager so they'll typically want to hear from someone at their same level - would you have a manager level to share as well?


Where is end of year Supertrip to? 



You found a candidate that exists in the system but the resumes are different! 

How do we update the resume?

Drag & drop into files, and update the profile via "parse as existing"


You found out they're interviewing at Procore for a contract .net role & we have terms with them! How can you get the manager name? 

Name drop! // directly ask 


Urgency is key & we're aiming for references over the phone! How can we respond to "Can I email you references?"

I'm going to email you so you have my contact info, ideally we'd like to submit your CV *with* references to make you stand out - is there someone you had in mind that I can jot down? 


We're building to have 100 Gold Candidates so we have people ready to go for jobs!  

What's a gold candidate? 

Active, strong & qualified profile, Rapport


GAS stands for Get, Accept, Stay - what are two questions we can ask to learn if they'll *GET* the job?

What projects have you done? // what was the purpose of the project? //  what skills/ technologies did you use? // what's a key accomplishment from your role at (xyz company)?


How can we get buy in for the candidate to share interviews? (the pitch)

Outside of this role I'd like to confidentially share your profile with my team & clients that would like your background to create opportunities would that be ok? (YES) Great! I cant submit you for companies that know you already so who should I avoid?  


Building rapport is key for sharing information & it's ok for candidates to not want their references called for every single role they apply to! 

How many times do we take their reference? 

We take it ONCE & keep it on file - It's a casual 10-15 minute call to learn about what it was like working with them!

Bronze candidate is passive w/ a good profile!

What information do we need for a Bronze Candidate? 

What would motivate them to move? 

GAS stands for Get, Accept, Stay - what are two questions we can ask to learn if they'll *STAY* in the job?

Reason for looking (current & prior roles) // Motivations // Why, Why, why

Interview leads are the most direct line to a job - How do you pass an interview lead to your BD team? 

Note on the candidate as "Interview Lead" with details & send internal Email