Historical Events
Harry Potter
Structured Word Inquiry (SWI)

Name the four-lined stanza that often rhymes

What is a quatrain?


Name these warriors and traders who originated in Scandinavia and explored, raided, and settled across Europe.

Bonus: Name someone in the classroom descended from the Vikings. 

Who are the Vikings?

(Bonus: Who is Mr. Bourn?) 


The first and last name of Harry's student rival at Hogwarts.

Who is Draco Malfoy?


The definition of a morpheme.

What is the smallest grammatical unit of a language that has meaning and cannot be further divided?


The part of speech for the word <at>.

What is a preposition?


The number of syllables in a haiku.

(Bonus: The country where the haiku originated.)

What is seventeen?

(Bonus: What is Japan?) 


According to legend, this city was founded by Romulus and Remus in 753 BCE.

What is Rome?


Name the four houses of Hogwarts.

What are What are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin?


Three types of morphemes.

What are 

What are prefixes, bases, and suffixes? 

(Also, connecting letters)


"In grammar, a word...that is used to show the relationship between other words in a sentence or phrase."

(Bonus: Provide five examples.)

What is a function word?

(Bonus: Answers will vary.) 


Name the type of poetry that uses meter but does not rhyme.

What is blank verse?


Between 1347 and 1351, this devastating plague killed an estimated 25-30 million people in Europe.

What is the Black Plague (or Black Death)? 


Name Draco Malfoy's two henchmen at Hogwarts.

Who are Who are Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle?


Name the word sum <forgetting>.

What is <for-> + <get> + <t> + <-ing>


The country where a poem called the Tanka originated.

(Bonus: How many syllables are in a Tanka?)

What is Japan?

(Bonus: 31 syllables.)


Name the type of poetry that help make Shakespeare famous.

What is a sonnet?


Name the country where Christopher Columbus was born. 

Bonus: Name the country that sponsored Christopher Columbus's voyages. 

What is Italy?

(Bonus: What is Spain?) 


The number of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

(Bonus: Name three of these Horcruxes.)

What is seven?

(Bonus: What are Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, Nagini, and Harry Potter.)


Define an assimilated prefix.

(Bonus: Give an example of a word using an assimilated prefix.) 

What is a prefix whose final letter is changed to the first letter of the next morpheme?

(Bonus: e.g. <collection>, <assignment>, etc...)


The punctuation mark Emily Dickinson included in many of her poems.

What is the dash?


Name the poet who wrote about the New England countryside in poems like "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "The Road not Taken".

Who is Robert Frost?


Name this period of major industrialization that started in the eighteenth century and changed economies, societies, and ways of life around the world.

Bonus: Name the country where this period of major industrialization began.

What is the Industrial Revolution?

(Bonus: What is England?) 


The names of Harry Potter's children.

(Bonus: Provide their full names.) 

Who are, "James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter"

(Bonus: See above)


Name the word sum for <mononymous>.

(Bonus: Give the definition of <mononymous>.)

What is <mono-> (replace the o) + <onym> + -<ous>?

(Bonus: A person known by one name (e.g Madonna))


Name the poet who wrote the poem “Mother to Son” which is about a mother who advises her son that life is hard, but it’s important not to give up.

(Bonus: Name the country where this poet was born.)

Who is Langston Hughes?

(What is the USA?)